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Fours win in tauranga


In May, three teams made up of bowlers from Mangawhai Bowling Club (MBC) and Mangawhai Womens Bowling Club (MWBC) travelled to Tauranga South Bowling Club for their annual fours tournament which requires one junior bowler in the team.

The three local teams were: Colin Wintle, Wayne Neal, Adam Booth and Wendy Sarjeant; Wayne Williams, Marny Jones, Lyn Hunt and Leigh Hunt; John Wintle, Chris Wintle, Colin Pierce and Jane Walker.

Colin Wintle’s team took out the honours winning all games they played with a higher wins-points differential. Well done team.

First all-weather green tournament
MBC held its first winter tournament on June 8 on the club’s new all-weather green. A full field of 16 teams took part on the sunny winter day.

Results: 1st Ngare Price (lead), Mur-ray Heaton (two), Ron Heaton(skip); 2nd Anna Greenwood (lead), Jim Colvine (two), Dundee Henwood (skip); 3rd Millie Mettam (lead), Nicolette (two), Neville Franks (skip). Meat prize winners were Rob Cleaver, Ross Riley and Terry John.

A big thanks to Sandbar Mangawhai who donated wine and vouchers. Wine won by Jim Colvine, Anna Green-wood and Neville Franks. Vouchers won by Murray Heaton, Ray Greening and Mona Guttenbeil.

Second tournament sees full field
On June 15 MBC’s second winter tournament again fielded a full contingent of 16 teams. Results: 1st Judy Whelan, Rose Andrews, Ivan Andrews; 2nd Glenys Davey, Jane Walker, Sue Wightman; 3rd Neil Hibbert, Margaret Sweny, Fred Sweny.

Randomly drawn prize winners were Noel Howard, Sue Egerton and Graham Egerton.

A big thanks to the anonymous wine donor. Bottles were won by Ross Riley, Jane Walker, Fred Sweny, Anna Green-wood, Mona Guttenbeil and Ray Aitcheson.

Clubs show support
It is great to see so many teams out helping other clubs to fill their fields: 7 teams at Wells-ford, 12-plus teams at Maungaturoto, 6-plus teams at One Tree Point. Well done to both Mangawhai Bowling Clubs. Support for each other’s clubs means all tournaments are easier to fill.

Thanks to volunteers and businesses Mangawhai bowls is reaping the benefit of all-weather greens with competitions running almost all year round.

I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of MBC, MWBC and club members to thank all volunteers and businesses who have given their labour and resources to the new all-weather green project: Kauri Park Nurseries (plants), Alec & Rochelle Tidyman (landscaping), Doug Somers/ Edgar (Summer Lakes, shade cloth), Shane Cullen Contractors (top-soil), Colin Patterson (MPL, pegs for boxing), Mangawhai Hire (stone block cutting), Placemakers Mangawhai (fencing timber), Brian Hollis (mulch), Gary Lane, Graham Wintle, Wayne and Ngare Price (rocks), and all those people too many to name who gave plants for the surrounds.

With Ron Heaton
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