
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



News in Brief

Vote for fundraiser recipient
Around two years ago Westmoreland Homes Principal Willie Hewitt cemented his business commitment to the Mangawhai community by joining with other local businesses and spearheading a grand fundraiser for the Mangawhai Activity Zone which raised $50,000 to assist in the development of the skate park area.

He is again in search of a suitable project to fund and seeks community input to decide on who the recipient might be.

With three worthy candidates nominated, the public is asked to visit the Westmoreland show home in Molesworth Drive and cast their vote for either the Mangawhai Volunteer Lifeguard Service, Tomarata Rugby Football Club or Mangawhai St John.

The organisation with the most votes by August 30 will receive a donation of $1000.

The Mangawhai community is noted for it’s support of worthy causes so please register your vote!

Entries open for business awards
Entries for the 2013 Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards are now open.
The awards are an opportunity for Northland businesses – small, medium and large – to receive recognition for their achievements and celebrate their contribution to the regional business environment.

Northland Regional Council is a proud supporter of this prestigious event and sponsors the Sustainable Business Award, which goes to the Northland business that best epitomises an overall commitment to sustainable development.

Entries for all award categories close on Friday 16 August 2013. Find out more at www.northlandbusinessawards.co.nz.

MBDA officers elected
Officers were elected at last week’s AGM of the Mangawhai Business Development Association (MBDA): Chair Mike McGarry; Secretary to be appointed; Board Gordon Pryor, Richard Gunson, Rob Pooley, Keith Draper, Margaret Fish, Margie Hannon.

Chairman Mike McGarry thanked past members for their input and efforts on behalf of the group, and says though Mangawhai is still feeling the effects of the fiscal downturn, the association has been involved in some promotional activities to maintain the profile of Mangawhai in a positive light, including managing the www.mangawhai.co.nz website which is generating a growing audience.

The board has some new initiatives in mind for the ensuing year wants to encourage more businesses to join, share the advantages that the website can promote and also the benefits of networking with other businesses large and small.

The association meets monthly and welcomes questions or input from anyone who would like to join in as a member or on a co-opted basis.

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