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Worzels World - The impending US revolution

Rebellion is in the air lately – Arab and Syrian uprisings, the toppling of long standing regimes like Gaddafi’s in Libya. It appears that now rebellion is set to move to the United States of America.

You may not have read about this in the corporate controlled media as the impending revolution endangers their vested interests.

Unlike the original US revolution this one has been advertised ahead of time. Media host and former US marine Adam Kokesh who served in Iraq at Fallujah has announced that the US revolution will take place, appropriately enough, on Independence Day, July 4 this year. He has stated that he hopes the revolution will be peaceful.

His original and well-advertised intention was to march his supporters into Washington DC. In accordance with the right, guaranteed by the second amendment of the US Constitution to bear arms, the protesters would be openly armed, their weapons loaded. However since his recent arrest and in view of the overwhelming support he has received, the plan is to now march on all 50 state capitals.

Upon his release, without charges being laid, he published the following manifesto:
“When a government has repeatedly and deliberately failed to follow its own laws, violated the fundamental human rights of its citizens, threatened the sanctity of a free press, created institutions intended to eliminate privacy of communication, waged war at the behest of special interests that threaten the public safety, killed hundreds of children with drone strikes, imprisoned and destroyed the lives of countless individuals for victimless crimes, stifled economic opportunity to maintain the dominance of the financial elite, stolen from the people through an absurd system of taxation and inflation, sold future generations into debt slavery, and abused its power to suppress political opposition, it is unfit to exist and it becomes the duty of the people to alter or abolish that government by whatever means necessary to secure liberty and ensure peace.”

How many of these charges laid against the US government are valid here in New Zealand? Certainly our current government has broken their own laws and ignored the courts with impunity. Brain fade, electoral donation memory loss, public funding of a political party head without a political party, the GCSB’s illegal surveillance, the Department of Corrections illegal smoking ban in prisons, the illegal actions of police in terrorising the people of Urewera, the selling off (to the well heeled) of our publicly owned assets. They have further undermined democracy by passing reams of legislation under urgency with little or no public input or consultation – curtailing the right to protest foreign exploitation of our mineral resources, special laws for Warner Bros, the Wellington declaration and so on.

Sadly we have no constitution and no right to bear arms in defence of our own rights and liberty. We are reduced to writing letters to MP’s or publishing articles online or in the very few remaining independent newspapers like the Focus. Any valid points raised are undoubtedly subject to memory loss and brain fade.

Kokesh goes on to say: “A new American revolution is long overdue. This revolution has been brewing in the hearts and minds of the people for many years… the American Revolutionary Army will march on each state capital to demand that the governors of these 50 states immediately initiate the process of an orderly dissolution of the federal government through secession and reclamation of federally held property.

“While there is risk in drastic action, the greater danger lies in allowing this government to continue unchallenged. So if you are content with the status quo, stay home, get fat, watch the fireworks from a safe distance, and allow this Independence Day to pass like any other. But if you see as we see, and feel as we feel, we will see you on the front lines of freedom on July 4th 2013 for this, The Final American Revolution.”

Amongst Kokesh’s entourage are many former and current military personal and police. America with its interventionist foreign policy has supported revolutions all over the globe but somehow I don’t think they’ll be supporting this one at home.

Fireworks are traditional in the US on Independence Day, much like our Guy Fawkes, but it may be that this year there will be more fireworks than they bargained for. I will be monitoring developments with great interest.

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