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Your questions answered - New bill to help with issues

john robertson(copy)The Kaipara District Council (Validation of Rates and Other Matters) Bill had its first reading in Parliament on Wednesday 12 June. The Bill drew overwhelming cross-party support, culminating in a vote of 116 for, and 4 against.

This Bill will now be considered by the Local Government and Environment Select Committee, and if support continues, its final passing into law is likely within six months. The Committee have called for submissions which need to be lodged by 25 July. If you would like information on how to lodge a submission then please refer to our website www.kaipara.govt.nz.

The Bill is important for Kaipara. It provides the District with the opportunity to deal with some of its historic issues and move forward with confidence.

We acknowledge Parliament for its support for inquiring into and assisting with this task. We acknowledge Local MP Mike Sabin for his sponsorship of the Bill. If you wish to hear the speeches recorded in the debate on the Bill, you can do so through our website.

What does this Bill do?
This Bill attends to the rating errors (called “irregular rating”) from the past. It also seeks to remove doubt over a number of other matters which have been the subject of misunderstanding or criticism within the community, but are not irregular. All of the irregular rating decisions made by the Council could have been made in a perfectly legal and legitimate way that would have resulted in the same impact on ratepayers.
The Bill does not change the incidence of rates, nor does it change the rates that any ratepayer is required to pay. Neither does it remove the potential to hold to account past decision-makers or advisors.

Will I be charged more rates by this Bill?
No. If you are current with your rates, the passing of this Bill will have no impact on you. For those who are refusing to pay their rates, the passing of the Bill should leave no doubt that you are obliged to pay them, and that penalties are applicable.

But some in Mangawhai are advising that I do not need to pay my rates this year, and that penalties will not apply?
That advice is incorrect. Rates are payable to cover the public services that you are receiving from Council. Penalties will be accruing on your unpaid rates. You should pay what you owe, like most other property owners in Kaipara. If you remain unclear, or are feeling pressured by others to withhold your rates, I suggest that you seek your own independent legal advice.
What do rates pay for?

Rates pay for public services.
They pay for Kaipara’s local roads and their maintenance. They pay for the development and maintenance of Kaipara’s parks and reserves, from Kai Iwi Lakes in the west to Mangawhai in the east, and all reserves in between. 
They cover emergency management and planning – civil defence readiness. They often support community development initiatives.
In some communities, the services paid for include the provision of wastewater, stormwater and drinking water networks.

Are the Commissioners happy with progress towards improving services?
Not as happy as we would like to be. This is not a criticism of current management, who are dedicated to their task. However there is a large backlog of work still to get done, work that should have been done over the past decade. For instance, Council staff are currently piecing together the condition of key underground assets of wastewater, water and stormwater. We need to know their condition, and wrap maintenance and renewal plans around them.

Progress is being made in most areas where deficiencies have existed. Good governance and management disciplines are being put in place.  But we cannot say that we have got to where we need to be – yet.

Kaipara Commissioner John Robertson

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