Local Zonta turns fiveFrom left, current president Jan Barnett, Liz Holsted (who started the local group) and the Lt Governer of Zonta NZ, Janet Hope, cut the cake as Mangawahi Zonta Group celebrated their 5th birthday on May 25. Liz gave a speech on the origins of the local group, detailing how she missed her old Zonta group so much after moving into the area she decided to start her own. Membership has waxed and waned she says, but the raising of funds and determination to help local and international women continues. Janet Hope praised the successes of the small rural group and wished it many more happy birthdays in the future. Mangawhai Zonta will be helping Rural Women NZ in Otamatea with their Supporting Safe Relationships evening on Wednesday June 24 at Otamatea High School in Maungaturoto from 7pm-9pm. Speaker Leslie Elliot will talk about her daughter Sophie and the Loves-Me-Not program currently running in schools. The next event for the Mangawhai Zonta Group is a quiz night on July 26 to raise money for the annual Spirit of Adventure scholarship, awarded to a young women from the Bream Bay District. Last year's recipient, Briar Lomas, will be speaking of her experiences on her voyage at the next club meeting on June 22. |