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Gain insight into Rotary at info evening


17 Oct, 2022




thumbnail 20 MF-Rotaryprojects1-390Ladies and gentlemen, we want to dispel the myth that Rotary is ‘an old man’s club,’ so we cordially invite you along to find out for yourselves what the 2022/23 version of Rotary International is all about. We certainly hope you can turn up, but in the meantime, here are some facts and figures you may not have been aware of.

The Rotary networking system is one of the largest in the world, with more branches than McDonalds, more than 35,000 Rotary clubs in more than 220 countries and geographical areas. Each club is autonomous, so the member experience varies from club to club, and there are over 2.1 million male and female members.

Globally, Rotarians contribute 47 million volunteer hours per year, and each of these hours represents a real benefit to communities locally and internationally. In New Zealand, Rotarians contribute on average six volunteer hours per month, much higher than some other countries, and while the work of Rotary begins in our local communities, the organisation has a global reach.

The Mangawhai club was established by two Rotarians just 16 months ago, but in that short time has grown to over 20 members, which bucks the trend of most service club organisations in New Zealand and around the world. So why is that?

For one, we are a ‘non-traditional Rotary-type club’, meeting only twice per month for two hours in what can be best described as a ‘social club atmosphere’, where we have a meal (if you want one), a drink (if you want one) and an informal chat about how we can best help our community. Our male and female members range in age from their mid-20s to late 70s, and what is important to realise in this busy age, is that there are no set volunteer time-frames. Each member can commit to as few or as many hours per month as best suits them and their lifestyle, with the average being only six hours per month.

We get to meet all kinds of people, make friends for life, and have a great deal of fun. So if you are interested in finding out more about us, we invite you along to the information evening.

n Rotary Information Evening: Tuesday, November 8, starting 7pm, at the Mangawhai Golf Club. Contact mangawhai.rotary@gmail.com or 021 0808 7933 to register your interest. Find out much more about Rotary by going to rotary.org/en/value-rotary-volunteering. You will be impressed.


Along with their successful Learn to Sail programme, providing bus shelters for local school children in Mangawhai and a playground restoration project at Mangawhai Heads shopping centre (pictured) are just some of the worthwhile projects Rotary members get involved in. PHOTO/NINA GASTREICH

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