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New faces around the council table



17 Oct, 2022




thumbnail 20 MF-Newkdc1-292As the exciting flurry of the recent local government election ebbs away, fresh new faces will soon be officially taking their place around Kaipara’s council table with three eager local councillors willing and ready to look out for the interests of Mangawhai, and a brand-new local mayor.


As reported by the Focus online October 8, preliminary results for Kaipara District Council [KDC] show Mangawhai-based mayor Craig Jepson clearly winning the mayoral seat from next-in-line contender Karen Joyce-Paki by over 1500 votes, an astounding achievement after competing for a KDC councillor position three previous times. ‘The Workboot Councillor’ aka Jonathan Larsen has retained the trust of the community, along with Rachael Williams and Mike Howard as the areas new representatives for the Mangawhai/Kaiwaka first three-seated ward.

Official results have yet to be received from Election Services by the time of print and are expected to be announced by October 19, with council to be sworn in at a ceremony on October 26.

On the way to becoming a veteran of Kaipara council as he steps into his fourth term, Cr Larsen says it is an honour to be trusted by local residents to look out for their best interests.

"I would like to extend a big thank you to the Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Ward communities for their support in re-electing me, the past term has seen some great progress. There is much more to achieve and plenty of improvements to be made,” he says. “Kaipara has elected a strong and talented mayor and team of councillors. I look forward to working with them all for the betterment of our district.”


Rachael Williams is also looking forward to working with all the elected members to further advance Kaipara and acknowledges there are busy times ahead with a lot to learn.

“With a record number of candidates standing, I didn't know how it would end up. I'd like to congratulate our new mayor elect Craig Jepson, Jonathan Larsen and Mike Howard,” she says. “I've really enjoyed meeting all the candidates and would like to thank them and also acknowledge the time and effort they have all put in over the last couple of months.”

Williams says she has been on a huge learning journey since deciding to stand as a candidate, and her first time on the campaign trail with the necessary public speaking engagements and getting ‘out-and-about meeting people’ in the community ‘has definitely gotten me out of my comfort zone.’

“I really couldn't have done it without my dear family and friends who've supported me from the start and helped me to believe in myself and what I have to offer, I'm forever grateful to you all,” she says. “I'd sincerely like to thank the Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Ward communities for your wonderful support and your votes. I'm truly blown away and very humbled to be one of your elected ward representatives. I will do my very best to represent the community well as we all navigate through the challenges the next three years will bring.”


Mike Howard says he thoroughly enjoyed the election process as it reminded him of other campaigns he was involved with, such as the challenges of securing an elected position representing Northland on the Golf NZ Board, which he has held since 2014, and also standing for the presidency of Mangawhai Golf Club 12 years ago.

“Of course I am delighted and honoured with the outcome. A huge personal note of thanks to those who supported me on the way through and all those people who stopped to have a chat on the street or at functions,” he says. “I am genuinely excited about contributing to our broader community and working to the best of my ability to create and sustain a cohesive, well-focused council so we can best address the issues that are both present and in the future. I know my strengths well – being genuine, enthusiastic and collaborative just three – and will live to them in this role, to contribute positively so council is the very best it can be in the delivery of its core services and functions.”


New mayor Craig Jepson has had a busy week since the election, acquainting himself with all of Kaipara’s newly elected councillors who he says bring an exciting mix of talent, experience and fresh ideas to the council table.

“It has been a stimulating experience standing and winning the mayoralty, I’ve been particularly humbled by the excitement and support offered by my home community for a first for Magical Mangawhai. I’m thankful for the support of my family and particularly my wonderful partner Jeannette,” he says. “Also, much thanks to my friends and our fantastic Kaipara community who turned out and voted for the mandate I put forward.”

As mayor elect, Jepson will soon will be attending the Local Government NZ mayor’s induction in Wellington and is also looking forward to the induction ceremony on October 26 in Dargaville as well as the first inaugural meeting of the new council.

“There is no doubt we have economic and social challenges ahead,” he says. “However, I see an entire district that has the resilience to overcome these challenges and continuing to prosper and share our fantastic environs.”


“It has been a stimulating experience standing and winning the mayoralty, I’ve been particularly humbled by the excitement and support offered by my home community.”

– Craig Jepson, Kaipara mayor




Humbled by the support and trust shown by the community, newly-elected local reps for Mangawhai/Kaiwaka and Kaipara’s new mayor, are preparing to take on the challenges ahead. Pictured from left, Mike Howard, Rachael Williams, mayor-elect Craig Jepson and Jonathan Larsen. PHOTO/SUPPLIED



Fourth time’s a charm; mayor-elect Craig Jepson with ‘my wonderful partner Jeannette’ toast the incredible success of winning the mayoral seat after vying for a councillor position in three previous elections. PHOTO/SUPPLIED

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