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The Climate Chap: Answering a few questions…


17 Oct, 2022


SteveGreen-134Time to respond to some questions that I have recently received.


Q. Where do you get your climate crisis information?
A. All over the place. One of the more recent aspects of climate change is that it is now centre stage with literally hundreds of web sites, government agencies, newspapers, universities and businesses all publishing climate change related information. It’s now a case of finding the most informative and current online information, otherwise I would be drowning in a sea of data. My favourites? Certainly the Climate Action Tracker (climateactiontracker.org) is the “go to” site to review how countries are performing and what progress is actually being achieved. Equally wonderful is the earth.org website that presents a vast and very well-presented range of global environmental reports and information. This site also has a kids section designed for young students to appreciate the environmental challenges our planet faces. Each of these websites is free to use.

Here I also like referring to our Climate Change Commission’s website (climatecommission.govt.nz) as in their own words ‘we drive climate action in Aotearoa’. The commission also runs regular webinars that are free to attend. The excellent Newsroom guys (newsroom.co.nz) publish a weekly emailed newsletter on Kiwi climate and sustainability developments, summarising all their excellent articles published during the prior week. Stuff also publish a weekly climate review called The Forever Project (stuff.co.nz) that focusses on Aotearoa’s evolving sustainability.

There is no shortage of news and information.


Q. Are we experiencing climate change here?
A. Climate deniers may be excused for confusing climate change with extreme weather, however in recent weeks the news of the plight of our king salmon industry and in particular New Zealand King Salmon is truly tragic. Aotearoa accounts for 85 percent of the global supply of this premier foodstuff and it is just the type of export industry we need going forward. However, the rise of sea water temperature in the top of the South Island has resulted in mass die-offs – 42 percent dying this season and over 1200 tonnes of expensive but dead fish being dumped in Blenheim’s landfill. The company is seeking government approval to relocate production in colder waters to protect this industry and the valuable exports that we desperately need.


Q. What’s happening in Australia?
A. I’m not a political chap, but until recently Australia was considered rather apathetic to matters climate. As one of the world’s major coal exporters why change? However, I am very hopeful that Australia will accelerate their contribution to addressing the crisis. Firstly, they have a new Premier and government that is far more committed to this challenge than their predecessor. Not hard! Second, they have published new aggressive goals to achieve by 2030 – the only G20 nation to do so in 2022. Third, there is now a significant groundswell of interest and protest throughout the nation. Over the past two years they have sadly experienced record floods, especially on the highly populated east coast, record temperatures, record droughts, and devastating forest fires. The most recent rainfall and associated floods in Sydney were truly catastrophic for the tens of thousands who were evacuated and lost their

properties, and with more rain falling over a three day period than the UK gets in a year. Hard to ignore the TV coverage of roofs sticking above the waterline, and let’s hope that they overcome such disasters and that Aotearoa never experiences such events… but the West Coast and Gisborne recently have I hear you say.


Q. What’s the local council up to?
A. I am impressed by the investment, talent and goals being applied by Kaipara District Council to addressing the local challenges anticipated by climate change. Adaptation plans to protect the environment and communities are under development as are their endeavours to become a more “sustainable” organisation. Very important as they are one of the largest employers in the district. Their website has a special section devoted to climate change (kaipara.govt.nz/climate-change) which is kept fully up to date and pleasingl

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