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Support circle a guide through mothering journey



24 Apr, 2023


jensen high res-4733 copy-534They say it takes a village to raise a child, but many find themselves trudging along the mothering journey wondering where their village has gone. The loneliness and stress of parenting can take its toll on emotional and mental health and puts a strain on relationships.

“It’s no wonder we often struggle to cope,” says childbirth educator and birth supporter Josie Gritten. “Remember, our ‘village’ is missing. We have no understanding grandmothers, no aunties to bring us food, wipe our tears, tell us it's normal and hold baby whilst we are lovingly bathed and massaged back to sleep. We yearn for support, connection and deep understanding.”

Mothers burn out and cry out but can’t walk out – they just have to keep on going and it can be very tough.

“Many mothers question what is ‘wrong’ with them,” says postpartum caregiver Samantha Hepburn. “Why does it feel so hard at times? The truth is there isn’t anything wrong, it’s just that we are not supposed to mother alone. When a pot plant is wilting we don’t question what is wrong with the flower, we tend to its environment. We feed it and water it. We nurture it back to health.”

Samantha and Josie have come together to birth MamaHeld – a beautiful nourishing space for all mothers, offering an opportunity to be heard, seen and supported. Josie and Samantha share a common thread of work and passion which centres the wellness of mothers and holds a vision for deep community care and support.

Weaving together their experience of birth support, antenatal education, postpartum care and education – alongside their own mothering journeys – Sam and Josie come together to offer their knowledge and passion to the wider community.

In this supportive space you will be witnessed and held as you are says Josie.

“Support like this can be deeply sustaining for mothers, helping find inner peace. The capacity to enjoy mothering is greater and we can find the beauty, celebration and connection in our motherhood experience.

n For more information or to join the support circle see advert this page.


Find the beauty, celebration and connection in your motherhood experience. PHOTO/JOSIE GRITTEN

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