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Connection, Vision and Perception


5 Apr, 2023


Deb next to artwork on easelDeb Hunter-Whitlock, Edie Chappell and Geoff Ruthe present their most recent works in ‘Connection, Vision and Perception’, an exhibition opening on Thursday evening at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery.

Deb, from Waipu, and Edie and Geoff, from Whakapirau, share a connection as members of Mangawhai Artists Incorporated. Each artist has been working separately towards their vision – an individual pursuit along an unknown pathway – of the artworks they will create for the exhibition.

The work is now in the gallery and it is time for the viewer to take part. Perception is in the eyes of the viewer.

Since graduating with a Diploma in Visual Arts (Painting) from NMIT Art School in Nelson, Deb Hunter-Whitlock has pursued a career in the arts sector, painting, exhibiting and working in art galleries. Now based in Waipu she works mainly in oils and usually on a series of several paintings at a time.

“The process of painting begins long before the paint hits the canvas,” says Deb. “I start with sketches and then scale up to the final size in charcoal or pencil drawings. I use drawings and photographs for reference, then I begin painting, with music being an important part, to get the flow.

“The larger landscapes are painted with a traditional underpainting and layering technique, while the smaller ones are painted in the wet-on-wet technique.

thumbnail Edie holding artwork-543“My landscapes are not about a photographic representation of the place. It’s about the feeling – and leaving out the detail. The larger landscapes are intended to evoke a sense of contemplation and calmness.”

Deb has a deep admiration for the works of the French Impressionists, especially Claude Monet and the way he captured the light, and the mysterious landscape paintings of New Zealand artist Elizabeth Rees. Deb won the painting category of the 2021 Kaipara Art Awards with ‘Sandspit Sanctuary’.

Edie Chappell is predominantly a self-taught artist. She has been involved in learning through workshops and art groups.

“Most of my artworks and style come from taking these learnings and then experimenting and stretching what I have learned to add this information into my own work,” says Edie.

Edie is a mixed medium artist who does both black and white art and coloured works on a variety of substrates.

“This gives me the scope to produce the piece that I am feeling at the time. My art often shows a more abstract perception and is intuitively layered, where I have no preconceived idea of how the piece is meant to turn out. It is finished when I stop playing with it!

Recently Edie has enjoyed experimenting and expanding her use of Indian ink and much of her work in this exhibition is drawing on that exploration.

“Using Indian ink on paper is challenging as once the ink is on the paper the mark is there and then you need to use that mark. The inspiration and vision is created around the first marks and marks are added slowly to build up the work.

“I have also included works where I have used Indian ink in a very pale and thumbnail Geoff with artwork on easel-310gentle way. I am finding this medium has many types of applications.”

Edie has also enjoyed creating some paired-back abstracts with limited colour to include in the exhibition.

Geoff Ruthe came to art later in life, taking up painting aged 65 and commencing four years of study at the Browne School of Art. A clinical psychologist by profession, he combined clinical practice with hill country farming in Raglan for some years. In his early life he skippered canal barges on the English canals.

“Life on the canals, travelling at 4mph, standing outside in all weathers while tiller-steering, and shepherding during my farming days have given me a perspective and love of the landscape which underpin my painting,” says Geoff.

“I endeavour to represent my emotional response to the landscape in my paintings. I try to convey energy and expressiveness through the use of intuitive and gestural brush strokes.

“I enjoy the materiality of paint, both in its application and later removal, to reveal what has been previously laid down – representative of the physical landscape itself.

“My paintings are generally based on my memories of a landscape, rather than any overtly pictorial likeness. I leave my paintings open to interpretation by the viewer and trust the paintings to resonate with viewers in some way.”

Geoff won the painting award in the 2022 Kaipara Art Awards with ‘Paradisus Terrestris’, following on from winning the Judge’s award in 2021 with ‘Nightfall over Pahi’.

n ‘Connection, Vision and Perception’ opens at 6pm Thursday April 13 at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, 45 Moir Street, and is then open daily, 10am to 3pm until midday Wednesday April 26.


Deb Hunter-Whitlock says music helps her paint flow. PHOTOS/SUPPLIED


Mixed-medium artist Edie Chappell is mostly self-taught.


Geoff Ruthe trusts his paintings to resonate with the viewer.

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