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Mayors Memo



Mayor’s Memo


10 Apr, 2023

CraigJepo-480Already it is mid-April. Our delayed summer weather has brought a rush of visitors to the district recently, and we expect even more during this school holiday period. Welcome to you all.

As you know, Kaipara has a huge amount to offer and it’s terrific to see tourists and locals out and about at the markets, in the cafes and restaurants, enjoying our west and east coast beaches as well as the stunning rural scenery in-between. I am planning to make the most of this weather for as long as possible, and encouraging all my family, and friends across the district, to do the same.

Council’s proposed fees and charges for the next financial year 2023/2024 will this week go out for your feedback. Make sure you review them and have your say on our website. Elected Members will confirm the final Fees and Charges for the upcoming year at the May Meeting.

The Council has been working on our vision for Kaipara. Around the Council table we all want great things for our Kaipara community – supporting a vibrant, prosperous district with opportunities for everyone. At the end of this month we finalise and agree our vision and the community outcomes we want for Kaipara district, cementing one of the first key steps in our process for the Long Term Plan 2024/2034.

The new Council has a strong and bold vision for the future, with Kaipara the place to be! You are already here and know what a great place it is. We depend on people beyond the Kaipara borders to help us prosper. We want to change this best-kept secret into common knowledge for our tourists, and our friends from Auckland and other parts of the country.

What we have been doing in preparation for the Long Term Planning, is to look at the population projections for the district. This will enable us to plan any service development or infrastructure growth that may be required. You may be interested in reading the Infometrics report, attached to our Council meeting agenda online.


Mayor Craig Jepson

Kaipara District

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