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Latest exhibition ‘out of this world’



06 Dec, 2021

thumbnail Joanna Bagley and Adrian Bird A Birds Eye View December 2021 2-203A Bird’s Eye View, the current exhibition at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, is literally out of this world. Artists Joanna Bagley and Adrian Bird each take an aspect of nature and apply their creativity, skill and vision to create something individual, unique and intriguing.

New Zealand native birds and flora are the inspiration for much of Joanna’s work in the exhibition. Her favourite bird is the kingfisher or kotare.

“When one crosses my path it is a positive omen - a message that my life is on the right track,” says Joanna.

Joanna’s art is distinctive, often incorporating a geometrical 3D perspective.

“I liken it to a bird's eye perspective, not knowing what birds actually see but knowing it's very different from what a human eye sees.”

"Juxtaposing hard geometric shapes with the curvy organic lines of nature appeals to me,” explains Joanna.

“It's also a dialogue between the man-made and natural. These days those lines are becoming quite literally and figuratively blurred."

After graduating with a degree in fine arts, Joanna travelled and lived overseas for seven years, including Korea and Japan, where she honed her throwing and hand-building in clay techniques.

She studied under a master potter in the north of Japan where she learned a lot about Japanese style ceramics and culture. This training is obvious not only in her pottery but also in her 2D artworks.

The influence of her diploma in graphic design also shows in her detailed birds and geometric patterns.

Bonsai artist, Adrian Bird, on the other hand uses his art and skill to showcase the elegance of nature in microcosm, encapsulating in miniature the characteristics of something much larger.

“The art of bonsai teaches us the smallest, least obvious things in life are often times the most beautiful and awe-inspiring,” explains Adrian.

As an artist, designer and musician, Adrian has been practising the art of bonsai for 25 years.

“I became interested in bonsai at a young age. It is the ultimate culmination of sculpture, horticulture and art,” declares Adrian.

He has travelled the world in pursuit of the finest bonsai gardens and galleries, including Japan, Europe, the US and Indonesia.

After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in painting and graphic design, Adrian worked as a graphic designer in Auckland for 10 years before opening the specialist bonsai and plant store Bioattic on Auckland's Ponsonby Road.

“I quickly ran out of physical space to display the bonsai trees on Ponsonby Road, so made the move north just outside Mangawhai to set up a larger scale bonsai garden,” said Adrian. “It is currently under development but when complete I will offer workshops and classes teaching the art of bonsai, offering beginner through to advanced courses,” says Adrian.

Adrian also maintains a number of high-quality bonsai collections for clients within the wider Auckland area.

“This ancient art of creating miniature living masterpieces to mirror giant specimens is fascinating and is very different from the usual exhibition at the gallery,” says Belinda Vernon from Mangawhai Artists. “Don’t miss this unique exhibition.”

n A Bird’s Eye View is open daily from 10am to 3pm through to Wednesday December 15, closing at midday, at the Mangawhai Artists Gallery, 45 Moir St, Mangawhai.



Artists Joanna Bagley and Adrian Bird each create something individual, unique and intriguing. PHOTO/Joanna Bagley


“I became interested in bonsai at a young age. It is the ultimate culmination of sculpture, horticulture and art.”

- Adrian Bird

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