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Community projects raise Waipu profile


waipu promo pic(copy)Keen to preserve their mantle of the ‘Scotland of the North’ the Waipu Business Promotions Group (WBPG) has had a busy 12 months working on a number of projects to help improve Waipu.

Waipu in Tartan, run in July last year, was a great success. Lots of great events including a shortbread competition, tartan taniwha competition and the inaugural Waipu mud run were held.

This year’s program is currently being worked on but will kick off with Art n Tartan at the end of June. Produced by the Waipu Museum, the fantastic event will be even bigger and better this year, bringing out some amazing artistry and creating a great public spectacle. Visit the Waipu Museum for your entry form.

Again a very successful Christmas parade had families lining the street, joining in the festivities and letting their hair down on Christmas Eve. Float entries competed for $1000 prize money.

The local business promotions group have also finished refurbishing the information sign in the carpark by the museum. A special thanks to Graham from Waipu Wrought Iron for his work on the metal frame. The sign now looks bright and informative, and of course has that special tartan twist.

Those travelling north over the Brynderwyns can’t miss the repainting of the “Welcome to Waipu” barn on Lachie McLean’s property. After considerable planning and with a large financial contribution from the museum and Northpine, the graffiti has been removed and it is hoped that this will prevent further tagging. A big thanks to Lachie, Northpine and the Museum for their assistance with this project. It is important that first impressions of Waipu are of a vibrant and interesting town.

Thanks to the Caledonian Society for allowing the new bike rack to be stationed outside the Caledonian Park.

All of these projects could not be possible without the help of all of our members and the assistance of Whangarei District Council, especially Shelley Demming who religiously attends WBPG meetings. It is not necessary to own a business to join this group. Anyone with a passion to promote Waipu will be most welcome. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at the Waipu Citizens and Services Club, 5.30pm.


BRIGHT FUTURE: Waipu’s Business Promotion Group is raising the popular town’s profile to visitors.

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