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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you know.....


Mangawhai bowls ‘em over!
Mangawhai Bowls struck gold recently, writing the club into bowling history. Both the mens and womens Sevens team have won not only the Northland competition in their respective divisions, but have gone on to win the regional, which includes Auckland, North Harbour and the Far North. Quite an achievement. Now the teams are off to Palmerston North for the national final. The pressure is on!

In fact, Mangawhai Bowls has achievers at all levels. This season saw 24 first year bowlers take to the greens, and over another recent golden weekend for the club Irene Donaldson finished first in Northland, with Georgie Walker in third place. In first year mens, Graham Leonard gained second place. No wonder the club is going from strength to strength.

Saturday and Sun-day, March 29-30 will be big days on the greens too, with a two day bowls tournament, teams of four, any combination. Entries to Adam Booth 0274 155 752. On the Saturday, a monster auction will start at 6pm at The Club as a fundraising event for the new museum. Loads of fantastic goods will be up for your bid. Always great fun.

Monster Garage Sale
On the fundraising scene, this Saturday, March 15, is the monster (adjective, not noun!) garage sale at the museum. A bargain is absolutely guaranteed! The Mangawhai Historical Society is having a major assault on fundraising activities as the volunteers are determined to have the museum open by the end of the year, and every single dollar counts. If you have something to donate, you can drop it off on Friday at the museum, or contact Sharyn 431 4838, or Roi 431 5105 to arrange collection.

Whangarei gallery for artist
'Flights of Fancy' is the theme for the first solo exhibition by local artist Donna Shadick. Reyburn House at the Whangarei Town Ba-sin is the venue through until March 30 and well worth a visit. Donna, well-known with her range of jewellery in Bennetts market square on a Saturday morn-ing, has become pas-sionate about 'chooks' – their diversity, plumage – honing her talent by producing fine oils on canvas boards. If you can't make the exhibition, jewellery and paintings are avail-able from her gallery and studio at Tomarata, phone 422 3077.

Did You Know?
Beach and Country Market at the Domain on Sunday March 23, fom 9am-1pm. The last one for the season will be the Easter Twilight Market on Saturday April 19 from 3-6pm.

Not too late to register for walks
Mangawhai, walking capital of New Zealand? Hard to dispute, with so many top class walks including the clifftop walkway, and the link-ing Tanekaha and Wa-terfall tracks under de-velopment. It's not too late to register for the 15th Annual Walking Weekend, March 28-30, although you may well find many already full. Go to the web-site www.mangawhai-walkingweekend.co.nz and check them out – there's a lot to choose from. The Troubadour Trail on Friday (28th) can cater for an un-limited number and is certainly one of my fa-vourites. Three start times, 2.30pm, 3pm, and 3.30pm, meeting at Alamar Cres. boat ramp. Only $10 for an afternoon of entertain-ment – pick up a ticket from Bammas or Books & Gifts today.

And of course, the highlight for many, the Food and Wine Fes-tival on the Saturday evening. The Mermaids, one of NZ's most popular musical entertainment groups will have you singing and dancing fom 3-7pm. This is a licensed event so 18 years and over, no BYO, and a reminder, no dogs. Book online or at Bammas and Books & Gifts.

New gym in town
Coastal Fitness could be just the gym for you. Upstairs at The Hub (Mangawhai Village), it's a new business, open from 5.30am through to 8pm, offering essentially cardio, pin-loaded and free weights, with personal assessments and programes. Get all the info you need on joining up by either emailing coastalfit@yahoo.co.nz, or phoning 431 4500.

Busy bird life…
A fascintating report from passionate and knowledgeable bird en-thusiast, Jane Vaughan:

Now and then I see banded rails walking along the bottom of my lawn at the edge of the estuary in Pearson St. I have seen two having a bath in a puddle left by the tide, and preening – a wonderful sight! And of course, the shrieking call which is very loud, coming from the mangroves as they scurry from one patch to another for protection, eating small crabs along the way.

Lately, my neighbour has been complaining of some creature taking pumpkin seeds as soon as he plants them, finding small round holes in the soil going down a few centimetres, and when he digs, hey presto, no seed left! He was suspicious it may be banded rails but neither of us was sure. Last evening, just before dark, he was down at the edge of his garden next to the estuary, and there was an adult banded rail in his enclosed vege garden, with a complaining half-sized chick in tow, investigating his pumpkin seeds! Very smart bird, but my neighbour has decided not to try any more pumpkin seeds.

Movie magic at Kaiwaka
Not to be missed is the movie Captain Phillips, which is to be screened at Kaiwaka Cinema on Fri-day March 21, 7.30pm. Coming up in April is the Ed Hillary story Beyond the Edge, and a family matinee showing of the ever popular Mary Poppins.

Young talent shines
Always a pleasure to listen to young per-formers who emerge at Mangawhai Music Makers evenings, Sail Rock Cafe on the first Tuesday of the month. Last week, 11-year-old Isha Walker sang, and 14-year-old Ben Morley demonstrated his guitar skills. A great oppportunity for all to perform in front of a relaxed, non-judgemental audience, gaining confidence with every act.

The Foxie Fish Pointer 2(copy)Mystery solved
Remember the request through this column to identify the two young men in the Foxie Fish Pointer photo? Photographer Jeanette Vickers says she received about six phone calls, incuding ones from the men themselves – Joshua Wills and Ash Deegan – who now both have a copy of the fantastic

 News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.

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