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Letters to the Editor


Rates not the full story
I note the "very minor" rates increases proposed for the coming year, however statistics can be very misleading. In my previous neighbourhoods, services such as refuse collection are an integral component of the rates.

Kaipara District Council has outsourced numerous services, who are free to charge the public directly. Prices of the blue plastic refuse bags and the yellow recycling bags continue to rise. One blue bag and two yellow bags a week comes to over $300 per annum, but are not considered part of the rates!

To get a true reflection of how much we pay and how competitive our rates are, the total costs of council services – whether provided directly or outsourced and "user pays" – is a more accurate and ethical representation.

Steve Green

We gave away people power
I don’t disagree with Bill Guest’s comments (Kaipara Lifestyler Feb 25 ‘Democracy at its best’) but what amazes me is his failure to address head-on the growth management of Northland’s economy being primary production and supporting export industries needs, as opposed to out of control sprawling residential growth impacting on inadequate infrastructure. ‘Needs’ being a Marsden Port container wharf of Super City dimensions servicing Auckland. Yes Auckland!

The key to expanding Northland’s economy and job opportunities is ratepayer-targeted financial investment in said container wharf and ‘Express Motorway’ joint venture with NZTA ahead of non-productive urban sprawl. Perhaps Local Government legislation is at fault but I can’t get past thinking the real fault lies with the peoples’ failure to recognise their decision-making responsibility in instructing councils on the best investments and living with the consequences rather than blaming their elected councillors. If ratepayers want to stand up and be counted, they too, need to be accountable. Mangawhai, since 1983, is a prime example.

The fault is not with the Local Government legislation as written but rather the downside of democracy in action. People power running amok, ie. when the people fail to deliver on their responsibilities. Like it or not, there can be no ‘democracy at its best, cost reductions, improved service or greater vision and leadership’ (Guest) without the people first and foremost investing, financially and morally, in expert infrastructure.

We had people power and we gave it away – to the commissioners.

It’s time to leave the failures and consequences in the past and let the decisions be made by an independent authority. Northland cannot function efficiently or effectively under 13 bosses – Maori Board (3), Maori councillor (1) versus eight other councillors and one mayor. The time is ripe for one people, one voice, one economy, one set of bylaws.

- Abridged

Noel Paget

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