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Mangawhai Probus Club


First meeting for the year
President Ron Lawrence welcomed all to the first meeting for 2014, including eight visitors.

The first speaker was Peter Gasston, Manager of Wellsford and Warkworth branches of the Bank of New Zealand. Peter’s special interest is in protecting customers from scammers. He outlined the many ways that people can be scammed – by telephone, email or letter.

Red flag? Generally, if it reads like it is too good to be true then it probably is.

Peter donated a bottle of bubbles and a New World voucher which were drawn at the end of the meeting.

Health of mind and body a priority
Second speaker was Susan Matheson who offers counselling and therapy. Susan initially worked as a nurse for 30 years and then trained as a counsellor and psychotherapist. She works in private practice and is contracted to local doctors and some Whangarei doctors.

Susan offers help with anxiety, depression, grief and loss – also working for SOS Kaipara which is based in Dargaville and provides free counselling for family and sexual violence.

Petronella Brom then spoke on a recent article in the Probus Active Retirees magazine on diabetes. She outlined ways in which friends and family can help diabetics and support them to eat in a healthy way – and urged members to be checked for the disease.

Upcoming events
■ Thursday 20 March – AGM. Nomination forms are available for those who wish to be on the club’s committee. Start at 2pm with guest speaker and afternoon tea.
■ Thursday 10 April – A bus trip to Auckland and a Red Boats cruise from the Viaduct to Riverhead and return. Cruise under the Harbour Bridge too. Cost $20 for members and $35 non-members, includes bus, cruise and lunch.
■ September 2014 – A further event scheduled for September will be advised once details are finalised.

Next meeting
Next meeting Thursday March 20. All visitors are welcome, and if you are new to the Mangawhai community, please join us on the third Thursday of each month, 2pm Senior Citzens Hall, Mangawhai. A great way to make friends. Contact Gaylene Lawrence 431 5617.

- Gaylene Lawrence, Secretary

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