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Out and about in Mangawhai with Jo Roberts

MAZ vision still on track
A $96,000 grant from ASB has given the Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ) Charitable Trust volunteers a real boost as they continue to develop the area. Major work has been limited for the past year, but now work can begin on completing Stage 2, the 'street plaza' adjacent to the skatebowls. This, coupled with the recent funds from the golf tournament allowing for more inclusive playground equipment to be purchased, and a grant from the Mangawhai Lands Endowment Account for a water supply to service drinking fountains 
and future public toilets, should see MAZ go from strength to strength. Community support is vital to the success of this fantas-tic area which is part of Mangawhai Park, and while progress of-ten appears to be slow, there is a lot of work, planning, and co-oper-ation going on by dedi-cated volunteers with a firm vision.

How about considering playing a role in the Mangawhai Ac-tivity Zone Charitable Trust? The AGM is on Tuesday April 8, 6pm at the Club. It’s an op-portunity to learn more about where it is all at, and what you can do to help. If you want more info, give secretary Ali Baird a ring on 431 4168.

Swan song for Jean Goldschmidt
Fifteen years. Yes, 15 years ago Man-gawhai hosted the in-augural Walking Week-end, led by Jean Goldschmidt. Her passion has continued as the Walking Weekend events grew and encompassed an Art Trail, Food and Wine Festival, and entertainment. This Walking Weekend, March 28-30, is Jean's swan song – you can be assured there will be tributes aplenty, and a myriad of sto-ries to share. Over the years, the scope of the Walking Weekend has expanded with the establishment of the Mangawhai Tracks Charitable Trust. These hard working surveyors and track cutters, have created a diverse network of walkways which are a pleasure to explore. Even while completing the difficult stages of the waterfall/tanekaha track, these folk are planning their next project which is the last stage of a walkway along the estuary.

Museum volunteers needed
How about a bit of volunteer work on a Tuesday or Thursday morning? New muse-um collections curator Grant Mitchell heads a group who meet down in the 'posh' basement area to clean and re-store exhibits ready for display when the mu-seum opens later this year. It is relatively light work, extremely inter-esting, and an opportu-nity to learn a lot! You can phone Grant on 431 4829 or email jew-els@maxnet.co.nz.

Museum fundraisers
Two major fundrais-ing events for the mu-seum coming up. The Bayleys sponsored two day bowls tournament is on March 29-30, and includes a mon-ster auction at The Club on the Saturday night starting at 6pm. Items up for auction include a Daniel Vettori signed shirt, six burner barbe-cue, security system (valued at $1200), wa-terfont accommodation for eight at Oakura, pre-scription sunglasses… wow! Make sure you are there early!

This is followed by the big golf tournament on Friday April 4 – two men's divisions, one la-dies, Gross, Nett and Stableford, Twos… lim-ited entries so be quick.

Phone Christine By-grave 431 2057 or email christinebygrave@ gmail.com. Great priz-es, and a Fun Auction at 3.30pm, Tempted by a swimming pool, flights to Vanuatu…? Be there!

…at the Saturday vil-lage market, a sign at-tached to a tent pole with a bowl of water be-low: ‘FOR DOGS. Chil-dren ask your parents first.’ Even more fun when the sign went up before the water bowl was filled!

Have your say now!
Kaipara District Council is calling for submissions to the draft annual plan. A summary has been dis-tributed on what KDC would like to achieve in the 2014/15 year, and they require your feed-back on priorities. Lots of ways of viewing the annual plan: go online to www.kaipara.govt. nz, call in to the library, or visit the KDC office at The Hub. If you have some ideas, or disagree with something, put in a submission any way you like – enter it online, email, write it down and post it, or simply deliver to the office. Submis-sions must be received by 5pm on Tuesday April 8. Have your say – do it now!

Credit for network boost
Page 2 of the Mangawhai Focus (March 10) had an article re Mangawhai and Coromandel topping Vodafone's list of most connected holiday spots in New Zealand. Much of the credit for this boost in the Mangawhai net-work goes to the Man-gawhai Business De-velopment Association, and in particular Gordon Pryor of Ridgeback Fishing Charters who doggedly followed it up. Gordon, with his 'noisy child' approach worked hard making sure Vodafone kept their promise to provide an improved service. Thanks Gordon, and Vodafone.

Free health workshops
"Get your motor running" – quick, easy, and tasty ideas to im-prove your health, help you lose weight, and gain energy. Could be a record turnout then for a free one hour workshop offered by the Total Health Cen-tre! Where? At Kakariki next to Bennetts in the village, at times to ca-ter for all, the first on Wednesday April 9 at 12 noon. Then Tuesd-say April 15 at 7pm, and Saturday April 26 at 11am. Email or call for further details to Di-anne 431 5670, info@ totalhealth.co.nz

„ News and views to share through this col-umn? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz. 

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