
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you know

DID YOU KNOW               
Out and about in Mangawhai with Jo Roberts                 

different.  They have biscuits and dinghies too for the littler ones, and those less adventurous. Good cheap fun in  an  idyllic   location, and close. We packed a picnic and made a half- day of it. It was great.”
Check it out for yourself at www.cablewake.co.nz. Bookings are essential, (09) 432 28347 or 021 654 149.
Walking Weekend filling fast!
If  you  haven’t booked  your  walk  on the Mangawhai Walking Weekend you had better be quick. Go to the website www.man- g a w h a i w a l k i n g w e e k - end.co.nz to check if there is a space left. Many walks are already fully booked. The Troubadour Trail on Friday afternoon can accommodate large numbers as there are three separate starting times in the  afternoon.
This  is an easy walk along the beach and up onto the reserve, with entertainment stations along the way. Prepare to be surprised! You can also pick  up  a  $10  ticket from Bammas. There’s    also    the Art Trail organised by Mangawhai Artists Inc. which will be well sign- posted. Free entry at all venues!

Big Dig Celebration
And of course the big event coming up on Sunday April 14th is the Tractor Cavalcade organised by the Mangawhai Historical Society. Generously sponsored  by  Norwood Farm Machinery represented by former Mangawhai resident Graeme Denize, this type of activity is probably the first of its kind in New Zealand!  Celebrating the ‘Big Dig’ veterans and their machines, there will also be tractors of all kinds, sta- tionary engine displays, ride-on    mower    races, entertainment and heaps more down on the Domain from 9am onward. Market stall space is available by contacting Alison Cox on  431  5654.  And  if you would like to be involved in any way, contact  Roy Vaughan 431
5828, 021 109 8601, or email royvaughan@or- con.net.nz
Daylight saving time ends  on  Sunday  April 7 – clocks go back one hour.
 News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts
431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
Take a look at
Activities galore this Easter weekend, with the monster Book Fair topping the list – Sat- urday March 30, 9am through to 4pm, and Sunday March 31, 9am until 2pm – at the new museum on Moles- worth Drive. Choose from thousands of new- ly  arrived  good  quality second hand books covering all categories, cash  or   Eftpos   only, with all proceeds going towards the completion of our museum. Settle down with a good book and an Easter egg right now or stock up for winter.
Mangawhai    Heads
Annual Beach Day
Easter Saturday is also Beach Day, with the Mangawhai Heads volunteer surf lifesavers organising  all  manner of activities for you and the family. The big event as always is the swim around Head Rock. No better time to tackle the challenge, with the life- guards there to provide company and support.

Farewell to Joan
The Saturday morning market at the Village is  always  loaded  with fresh  local  produce. This Easter Saturday is somewhat  special,  for it will be a farewell to stall holder Joan But- land. Raising funds for the Leprosy Mission, Joan, who is 80-plus, has been coming to the market since it first began as the organic market in Kaiwaka over 12 years ago. Her hands are never idle, knitting needles always working behind her display of handcrafts just inside the  hall door.  It  could be said that you are not a local if you don’t own a pair of Joan’s hand- knitted  slippers!  Not that she is stopping altogether, simply lessening the distance to travel by staying with markets in her home town of Wellsford.

Final Beach and
Country market
The  Village  market is followed on Saturday by the last Mangawhai Beach and Country Market for the season. This is a ‘twilight’ event, at   the   Domain,   from
3-6pm. Plenty of parking. If you want to re- serve stall space or car boot sale spot, contact Sue on 0274 586 144.
  Zonta Garage Sale
On your way there you will be able to call in  to   the  Zonta  Garage Sale, directly opposite the Domain at Jan  Barnett’s   property. Mangawhai mem- bers are raising money for the NZ Gynaecological Foundation national health education programme. You are bound to find some- thing you need or simply like from the wide selection of donated goods on offer.

Outdoor movie night at MBS
Then it is outdoor movie time, a very special night  for  the family down on the school grounds with a giant screen showing the ev- er-popular movie ET. Refreshments avail- able, $5 per person or
$20 for the family; it will be a big night, 8.00pm til late!

At The Farm Gate Produce – raw milk sales. If you hanker after the real thing – raw, fresh,     unpasteurised, n o n - h o m o g e n i s e d , then you are in luck. At The Farm Gate Produce (66  Bagnal  Road,  off Cove Road) can supply you with up to 5 litres at any one time. Phone 431  4630; 0274  680 251; or email sandy.g@xtra.co.nz. The Grayson family cows are pasture fed only, the milk har- vested using the best possible hygiene practices, and machinery cleaned to regulation standard. They will advise you  on  how  best to store your milk, and of course, you can use the milk to make your own ice-cream, butter, cheese etc. Raw milk – the healthy option.

Also spotted…
Strong Accountants at the Hub, quote of the week: “Foolproof systems don’t take into account the ingenuity of fools.”

Waterski park gets thumbs up
Had an email from a family who had such a good time at the Lake- side Cable Wake at Ruakaka they wanted to share it!
“We went out to this cable waterskiing park on  the  weekend  and had an absolute blast. It’s     actually wake-boarding, but not much


Out and about in Mangawhai with Jo Roberts

Take a look at
Activities galore this Easter weekend, with the monster Book Fair topping the list – Saturday March 30, 9am through to 4pm, and Sunday March 31, 9am until 2pm – at the new museum on Moles- worth Drive. Choose from thousands of newly  arrived  good  quality second hand books covering all categories, cash  or   Eftpos   only, with all proceeds going towards the completion of our museum. Settle down with a good book and an Easter egg right now or stock up for winter.

Mangawhai    Heads Annual Beach Day
Easter Saturday is also Beach Day, with the Mangawhai Heads volunteer surf lifesavers organising  all  manner of activities for you and the family. The big event as always is the swim around Head Rock. No better time to tackle the challenge, with the life- guards there to provide company and support.

Farewell to Joan
The Saturday morning market at the Village is  always  loaded  with fresh  local  produce. This Easter Saturday is somewhat  special,  for it will be a farewell to stall holder Joan Butland. Raising funds for the Leprosy Mission, Joan, who is 80-plus, has been coming to the market since it first be- gan as the organic market in Kaiwaka over 12 years ago. Her hands are never idle, knitting needles always working behind her display of handcrafts just inside the  hall door.  It  could be said that you are not a local if you don’t own a pair of Joan’s hand- knitted  slippers!  Not that she is stopping altogether, simply lessening the distance to travel by staying with markets in her home town of Wellsford.

Final Beach and Country market
The  Village  market is followed on Saturday by the last Mangawhai Beach and Country Market for the season. This is a ‘twilight’ event, at   the   Domain,   from 3-6pm. Plenty of parking. If you want to reserve stall space or car boot sale spot, contact Sue on 0274 586 144.

Zonta Garage Sale
On your way there you will be able to call in  to   the  Zonta  Garage Sale, directly opposite the Domain at Jan  Barnett’s   property. Mangawhai members are raising money for the NZ Gynaecological Foundation national health education programme. You are bound to find something you need or simply like from the wide selection of donated goods on offer.
Outdoor movie night at MBS
Then it is outdoor movie time, a very special night  for  the family down on the school grounds with a giant screen showing the ever-popular movie ET. Refreshments available, $5 per person or
$20 for the family; it will be a big night, 8.00pm til late!

At The Farm Gate Produce – raw milk sales. If you hanker after the real thing – raw, fresh,     unpasteurised, n o n - h o m o g e n i s e d , then you are in luck. At The Farm Gate Produce (66  Bagnal  Road,  off
Cove Road) can supply you with up to 5 litres at any one time. Phone 431  4630;  0274  680 251; or email sandy.g@ xtra.co.nz.The Grayson family cows are pasture fed only, the milk har- vested using the best possible hygiene practices, and machinery cleaned to regulation standard. They will advise you  on  how  best to store your milk, and of course, you can use the milk to make your own ice-cream, butter, cheese etc. Raw milk – the healthy option.
Also spotted…
Strong Accountants at the Hub, quote of the week: “Foolproof systems don’t take into account the ingenuity of fools.”
Cop flies the coop
And  it’s  farewell  to  Hugo and Lauren du Plessis and family as they return to south Auckland. Three-plus years  ago   Hugo   became  part  of  the  po- lice presence here in Mangawhai while Lauren took up a position at the Medical Centre. Professional development requires a transfer as Hugo moves up the ranks, but he will be very much missed here. Applications have been received for the Mangawhai position  and it won’t   be  long  before Snr Constable Gough has a new team mate!

Waterski park gets thumbs up
Had an email from a family who had such a good time at the Lake- side Cable Wake at Ruakaka they wanted to share it!
“We went out to this cable waterskiing park on  the  weekend  and had an ablsolute blast. It’s     actually     wake-boarding, but not much different. They have biscuits   and   dinghies too for the littler ones, and those less adventurous. Good cheap fun in  an  idyllic   location, and close. We packed a picnic and made a half- day of it. It was great.”
Check it out for yourself at www.cablewake. co.nz. Bookings are essential, (09) 432 28347 or 021 654 149.
Walking Weekend filling fast!
If  you  haven’t booked  your  walk  on the Mangawhai Walking Weekend you had better be quick. Go to the website www.mang a w h a i w a l k i n g w e e kend.co.nz to check if there is a space left. Many walks are already fully booked. The Troubadour Trail on Friday afternoon can accom- modate large numbers as there are three separate starting times in the  afternoon.  This  is an easy walk along the beach and up onto the reserve, with entertainment stations along the way. Prepare to be surprised! You can also pick  up  a  $10  ticket from Bammas.
There’s    also    the Art Trail organised by Mangawhai Artists Inc. which will be well sign- posted. Free entry at all venues!
Big Dig celebrated
And  of  course  the big  event  coming  up on Sunday April 14 is the  Tractor  Cavalcade organised by the Mangawhai Historical Society. Generously sponsored  by  Norwood Farm Machinery represented by former Mangawhai resident Graeme Denize, this type of activity is probably the first of its kind in New Zealand!  Celebrating the ‘Big Dig’ veterans and their machines, there will also be tractors of all kinds, stationary engine displays, ride-on    mower   races, entertainment and heaps more down on the Domain from 9am onward. Market stall space is available by contacting Alison Cox on  431  5654.  And  if you would like to be involved in any way, contact  Roy Vaughan 431 5828, 021 109 8601, or email royvaughan@orcon.net.nz
Daylight saving time ends  on  Sunday  April 7 – clocks go back one hour.
 News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts
431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz.
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