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KSA Sports Briefs


Have you ever thought  about giving badminton  a go? We have a small friendly club and players of all ages and abilities are welcome. Badminton  is held in the KSA gymnasium on Tuesdays from 7.30pm and the season will begin on March 26. The AGM will be held on April 9 at 7.30pm. Only $3 per night until the AGM.
Junior netball
Congratulations to Melissa  Watts  who  runs  our junior netball club. Melissa was surprised  recently by an on-air phone call from More FM telling her she had won a 50-inch plasma TV! Melissa was nominated for the competition  because of the great job she does run- ning the club – thanks for all your work Melissa!
The community is invited to our squash  club’s official opening  on Sunday, April 7 at the courts from 11am  (we can show off our  new glass balustrades!) Come along for a hit and bring the kids. Racquets and balls are provided, you just need to bring non-marking shoes.

Junior tennis  is on Saturday mornings 9–10am at the Kaiwaka courts and Grant van Dalsum  will coach the players on Mondays from 4.30 to 5.30pm. Any pri- mary or high school children are welcome.
Senior rugby
Northland’s  drought   was  evident  at  the  Hawks pre-season  match against Glenfield, as the very hard ground  meant  several injuries  for the players. Ex-All Black Walter  Little was at the  game  supporting  his Glenfield side. He must  have gone away happy – not only did his side win both matches,  but he also won the meat raffle! If you were involved in the Otamatea  Rugby Club in the last 25 years, but have not received a registra- tion form for the reunion  to be held on April 19-20, you  can  download   one  from   www.kaiwakasports.co.nz or phone Cheryl on 431 2051. Old Boys have the opportunity  to play in a Golden Oldies match against Manaia on the Saturday morning – this will be tele- vised by Grass Roots Rugby.

Junior rugby
If you have a boy or girl who is keen to play rugby this season, please register your interest with Jennie Reynolds on 945 0502. We will field an U7's, U9's and U11's  team  and  (depending  on numbers) an U13's team. Trainings  are Tuesday and Thursday  evenings at the Kaiwaka grounds and matches are either Friday evenings or Saturday mornings. Under 7's play Rippa Rugby while the older grades play tackle, with Small Blacks rules applied. The emphasis  is on children having fun, learning ball-handling skills and enjoying being part of a team.
Martial Arts
Our martial arts instructor Craig Bennetts  has begun a new class on Sundays at 8.30am in the KSA gymnasium. Learn Tai Chi for harmony,  wellbeing, balance and relaxation. This is in addition to his Kem- po classes held on Wednesday afternoons. For enquir- ies please email Craig on otamatea.kempo@sling- shot.co.nz.
Kaiwaka Sports Awards
Our  affiliated  sports  clubs  are  in  the  process  of nominating members for our annual  sports  awards. This year the awards dinner  will be held on Monday April 29 and will feature guest speaker Charles Dono- ghue. Tickets on sale shortly.
Quiz night
A great crowd turned  up for our Quiz night, a fundraiser  for the KSA. Fifteen  teams  nutted  their  way through  questions  on  music,  sport,  general  knowledge  and  more.  Congratulations to  the  top  teams who had their choice from the prize table: First equal, Market Forces & Causeway Crew; Third,  Coswecan, Fourth equal, The Northerners & Mrs Browns Family.

Special spot prizes went to Debbie Hastie, Katie Shaw and Emma  Butler. The remaining prizes were given out by a draw. Thank you to emcee Tony Hargreaves and scorers Corina Ross and Lindsey Hargreaves. Many thanks also to Melissa Watts for working the bar, to Pam  & Mark Ottaway for putting  on supper and to Holly Anderson for being the runner.
Contacts for Sports Clubs
With winter codes starting up shortly, you or your child may be interested in trying out a new sport. Each of our sports  clubs has a page on our website www. kaiwakasports.co.nz where you can check out subs, trainings  and match days, uniform  requirements and all other  relevant information. Alternatively you can ring the club representatives:  Badminton,  Kaye Fleming 4312 345; Athletics, Eileen Parsons 4318 055; Rugby (Junior) Jennie  Reynolds 9450 502, (Senior) Jean McLeish  4312  520,  Gymnastics,   Stephanie   Brown 4312 022; Soccer, May Seager 4318 494; Squash, Bar- bara  Thomas  4315  905; Netball  (Primary)  Melissa Watts 4312 239, (High School) Mel Coates 4318 720, (Senior) Mirna Manuell 4237 767; Fitness Centre, Ju- lie Harris  4321 755; Tennis  (Lindell Ferguson)  4312 542; Hockey, Robyn Bruce 4318 145; Martial Arts, Craig Bennetts 4315 170.
„Cheryl Anderson, Kaiwaka Sports
Assoc. manager, 431 2051


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