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Museum needs help for next phase


cropped-museum-at-nightAlready proving to be a great community asset as a venue for various activities, Mangawhai’s new museum is also drawing many accolades for it’s stunning innovative design.

But museum management now see the need to move on from the initial building phase and move to the museum’s  infrastructure, which will support the functioning of the museum not only as a place of objects, story conservation and displays but also as a  community centre and visitor attraction.

To do this the Mangawhai Historical Society and the Mangawhai community need to come together.  “We will begin this exciting new phase with a
strategic planning workshop to refine our focus, values and objectives,” says museum spokesperson Alison Cox. “The Museum National Standards
Accreditation process provides a framework for this to happen. Once we have established the big picture goals we will be engaging with the community to call on people with the interest and the skills to help develop our new museum.”

Volunteers will be needed for a whole range of tasks relating to visitor and education programmes, display work, object accessioning systems, photo digitisation and storage, archival processing, genealogy and family history, pest control, security establishment, fire and safety planning, computer, building and lighting maintenance, legal compliance, marketing/promotion/event management, gardening, reception and so the list goes on.

“We already have people who are able to train others, and we have access to Te Papa and regional museum association funding for workshops and training,” says Alison. “The other museums in our region have always been wonderfully supportive with professional advice, input and opportunities for fact-finding visits.”

Some of the teams needed are already established, but others need more members and expertise. If you would like to be part of a small team and feel you have skills to offer in any of the fields mentioned earlier, please put up your hand to be involved. It’s as easy as picking up the phone and calling either Bryan on 431 4434 or Helen on 431 5447.


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