
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



May 25th 2015


Pink Ribbon profits

Pink Ribbon 1 2015-252

June for new 10 year plan


Ed Said - The politics of money


A community says ‘thanks’

Joe farewell 2015-641

Media personality to plant trees on Kaipara farm

Te Radar-460

Don’t burn treated or painted timber this winter


Did You Know........

Betty’s big win, Friends with benefits, First special exhibition, Community Garden report, More riparian planting, Hey pesto!, Casino fundraiser, Ethical dilemma and more.

Out and about in Mangawhai with Jo Roberts

Chick upside down being banded-904

Big support for beach clean-up

With the big crowds of summer now gone, Mangawhai’s Tony Baker (pictured far right in black) and the Surf Dojo team organised a big beach clean-up last weekend with great success.
Clean Up Crew   Photo Brian Came-242

Top town rating for Mangawhai

Although a number of Kiwis still don’t know where Mangawhai is, a world travel authority names Mangawhai in its list of The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in New Zealand, alongside tourism meccas like Queenstown, Kaikoura and Russell.
Mangawhai estuary-764

Letters to the Editor

Ongoing issues
I write this letter with regard to the alleged bullying in the Mangawhai Volunteer Fire Brigade (MVFB).

As a member of the brigade (firefighter) I am currently on leave and have been since December 2014 while the formal HR complaint I have raised with the NZ Fire Service (NZFS) is investigated.

Buzz in the Bay

​Ruakaka Civil Defence meeting, Wearable Art Awards tickets, Pizza and beer, Winter@Waipu, Quiz night, Old phones save lives, snippets and more.

News Briefs from around Waipu and Bream Bay

The Final Straight

From the Mangawhai Community Waste Water Scheme Advisory Panel

The MCWWS Advisory Panel is on what Chairman D’Arcy Quinn refers to as the ‘final straight’.

“We have gathered a lot of good, quality information that we now need to sort through. This is taking time bearing in mind that the members of the Advisory Panel are volunteers and each have lives of their own.”

Have your say on Private Plan Change

The vacant site is located on the corner of Molesworth Drive and Estuary Drive, opposite the Mangawhai Museum. In 2007 Kaipara District Council approved a Land Use consent application to construct and operate a petrol station, car and boat wash-down facility and future mixed business area. 

‘Body shop’ opens in Waipu

The term ‘body shop’ is better known in terms of classic car restoration, but this one has much wider connotations in appealing, predominantly, to the fairer sex.

Pure Essence team copy-933

A Big Thank You

The Kaiwaka/Mangawhai North Haven Hospice Volunteer group would like to thank the generous local community following their annual Fish & Chip Fundraiser held on Monday May 11 at The Club, Mangawhai.


Worzels World - Losing Democracy

In Hong Kong a pro-democracy movement has tried to stand up against the might of non-democratic China, sometimes at great cost to the individuals involved. Meanwhile over here in New Zealand we sit in characteristic apathy while our own democracy is gradually undermined in favour of increased centralisation and greater State control.


Surf finals hotly contested

Northland secondary school surfers enjoyed great conditions at Sandy Bay on Whangarei’s Tutukaka Coast on May 8 for the second event of the 2015 Northland Scholastics Surfing Series.

Max Brunker  1-715

KSA Briefs

Badminton, Fitness Centre, Squash, Taniwha Shield, Workshop Intermediate rugby and more.

■ Cheryl Anderson, KSA manager, 431 2051, kaiwakasports@gmail.com


Whangarei gearing up for FiFA U-20 World Cup

Sport and Recreation Minister Jonathan Cole-man is encouraging peo-ple in Whangarei to get involved in the FIFA Un-der-20 World Cup when the tournament kicks off on May 30.

“It’s a great opportu-nity to see the next wave of up-and-coming foot-ball superstars and to be part of a global sporting event,” says Dr Coleman.

Local takes bonnington trophy

Renowned for the quality of its greens, Mangawhai golf course was in exceptional condition for the Tom Bonnington Trophy event played in fine conditions over the weekend of May 16 & 17.

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