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Mangawhai Domain: Annual Summer Gala – 02 January 2015

Christmas this week, New Years Day and Gala on 02 January next week. We look at the rain of mid-December, hope it all gone very soon and that the Annual Summer Gala at the Domain is even more of a success than it has been over the last 40+ years of the event.

Our stallholders have kept giving a big tick to the event, coming from all over Northland, Auckland and the Waikato and calling it a “Must Do” event. For those that have not been able to return for whatever reason, their places have been filled by the long waiting list of “Please Can I have a Stall Site” – and there are some very interesting additions for you to browse and hopefully support by purchasing from those who help make the Gala so successful.

We have listened to the calls from many and added to our range of food and drinks available, both from the Domain-run Café and BBQ, and especially to the range of food and drink outlets now throughout the grounds. For food you will be ble to try German, Hungarian, Japanese, Turkish, Spanish and Kiwi – and not sure where donuts, candy floss etc fit in! Extra smoothie outlets, another coffee outlet, and the normal frozen yoghurt, ice cream, shaved ice all present. For the adults, the local wine stalls are situated in front of the entertainment truck where the local band Vybes, is playing. Des will continue to serenade you on the Café deck.

There will be many fairground rides, slides and bouncy castles, paintball and helicopter rides for all ages between the very young to those of a more gentile senior age.

The ever-popular dogs are back, this time with three sessions. For other provided entertainment there is a full programme of races, balancing and throwing eggs, the return of the “rag & drag”.

Via the support of many businesses and the added donations from stallholders, the Quickfire Raffles returns with a wide range of prizes; and for many in the crown there will be spot prizes, perhaps being able to answer a question or two, or perhaps just for being noticed at the event. You have to be there and participate to win! We must mention the special support of Bayleys Mangawhai who have joined us as a major sponsor this year and have provided almost all pre-Gala signage and most of the signage at the Domain on Gala Day.

A couple of housekeeping things. We are often asked why we charge an entrance fee; quite simply the Domain is owned by the whole community (it is not a Council or government owned facility) and the income from Gala Day, entrance fees, stallholder fees, BBQ and Café represents the majority of our operating and minor capital improvement costs for the whole year. You only have to visit the Domain to see how it has improved year by year. We have kept costs the same for the last few years – Car plus occupants $8, family on foot $8, adult on foot $3, and school age child on foot $2. Please do not direct any dissatisfaction about this to the army of volunteers who assist on the day.

We now have a fully approved and supported Traffic Management Plan, again supported by volunteers who will be assisting implementation to keep traffic flowing and to avoid inappropriate parking both on the roads and within the Domain itself. Please cooperate.

Any last minute queries, offers of assistance or donations for the event please ring John on 431 4873, or preferably email to mangawhaigala@gmail.com

Have a Merry and safe Christmas and New Year, then........

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