Camellias, cakes and crafts on showThe Mangawhai Women’s Institute floral and craft show is, after 60 years, certainly an institution – with the added irony that one of the longterm office holders is the appropriately named Dorothy Gardner, a faithful servant since 1956.
Flower show people are no different from those who show cats, dogs or other animals. The trick is in the preparation to have their entries looking fresh and bright on the day. For some it’s about taking part, for others there’s a certain competitive element. Either way these shows are good for keeping up with new breeds of flowers, new trends in arranging and the ever-changing ‘art’ that newcomers bring to the table, be it floral, photography, handcrafts or baking. Some tricks of the trade are in the presentation, the look, the symmetry of the blooms or arrangement and, no doubt, how you speak to your plants in their infancy. All gardeners seem to have their own methods of preparation which can be enhanced or scuttled if that fickle spring weather doesn’t play it’s part. Unfortunately not the aroma of the roses of old, rose breeders have conjured up some amazing colour and shape combinations but unfortunately minus the strong fragrance of some of the old breeds. Flowers apart, the ‘indoor’ section gives mums and kids ample opportunity to show their skills lie elsewhere than the garden. The children’s section opened in 1986 and now includes art, photography, baking and crafts with some interesting and innovative results. Entries were a little down on last year but competition is still strong. Special thanks to sponsors Mangawhai Memo, Molesworth 4 Square and Mangawhai Pharmacy.