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Gardeners revel in rambling


IMG 5091(copy)IMG 5080(copy)The recent 2013 Palmers Planet Mangawhai Garden Ramble raised over $9,000 for children in the Mangawhai community, aiding ongoing running costs at Mangawhai Kindergarten and Mangawhai/Kaiwaka Plunket. Sponsorship, raffles and refreshments sold also contributed to the total.

But how different was this year’s display from last year? Different gardens, different gardeners, different ideas and methods. Mangawhai has it’s Garden Ramble, Kerikeri has it’s Garden IMG 5112(copy)Safari, Whangarei has its Garden Discovery; all different yet all with something of interest and plenty of talking points.

We’ve had some years now of subtropicals, palms, yuccas, lots of green in different shapes and while their grandeur cannot be duplicated it seemed this year there was more colour among the gardens. A good dousing of rain in the days before the ramble really tuned things up and brought a new burst of life to gardens allowing enjoyable viewing of the 20 properties on show.
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It was also noticeable that the ramble was not all about flowers, 
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with some fine examples of architecture, settings, and garden art on show. Ice Cream beans, chooks and 
cherimoya, pizza ovens, rockeries, novelty planters and natural health products all made good talking points as did the educational walks introducing many to the origins of Maori medicine.

Alternatively there really is no end to the colour combinations that some gardeners are able to achieve. Rose breeders in particular seem to be among the most prolific at introducing new blooms.

Gardens not seen for some years showed a delightful maturity while others showed the newness and enthusiasm that comes with a new owner or project.

The event attracted locals, plus many from out of town – Kerikeri and Russell, Auckland, Whangarei Heads, the Kaipara and Warkworth – with some even finding it hard to locate tickets.

The ramble is a real community effort and the garden ramble committee would like to extend their thanks to all who contributed in some way – from the participants to the sponsors who kindly donated to the raffle and the shops that sold the tickets. First held in 2003, this annual event continues to grow in popularity.

And to the ramblers, it is hoped you had a fantastic weekend. Your feedback about this years’ ramble is welcome and if you know of a suitable garden or gardener who may be willing to participate in future garden rambles please don’t hesitate to contact the Palmers Planet Mangawhai Garden Ramble committee. You will find them on Facebook.

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