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KSA Sports Briefs


Fright Night
Our annual Fright Night was a wonderful success! Over 200 kids (and big kids!) enjoyed a spooky time at the Sports Complex. You can read more about the evening in the report in this edition of the Mangawhai Focus.

It's wonderful to see an increase in numbers turning up for our badminton club night. Players of all ages and abilities are welcome so if you are keen, simply turn up to our gymnasium on Tuesdays from 7.30pm. Only $3 per person, play as long as you like, please wear soft soled shoes and club racquets are available for you to borow at no cost. And due to popular demand, the club has now opened up a second session Saturdays 3–5pm.

Fitness Challenge
There is a Fitness Challenge being held at the KSA fields on Wednesday's at 5.30pm. Suitable for everyone, cost is $7 per class.

Congratualtions Gary
Congratulations to Gary Kingi, one of the managers of the Otamatea Rugby Club, who was nominated by the KSA in the Lotto Vounteers Award for his significant contribution to the club. Gary won $500 for sporting goods.

Thank you
Many thanks to the Mangawhai/Kaiwaka Cubs and Scouts who picked up rubbish from the Sports Complex grounds recently as part of their community service – much appreciated!

Kaiwaka Tennis Club
Last seasons tennis coach is no longer available so the club is looking for someone who could take over this role. This would involve taking the juniors for an hour or so on Mondays from 4pm. You don't need to be a qualified coach – you just have to have a bit of tennis ability and be good with children. If you can help out, please phone Lindell Ferguson 431 2542 (evenings).

Otamatea Tennis Tournament
Our annual tennis tournament will be held at our courts over Anniversary Weekend. This tournament attracts top quality players from all over Northland and Auckland and we also have places for locals to compete. So dust off that racquet and get in some practice! Entry forms are on our website www.kaiwakasports.co.nz. For any tournament enquiries, please contact Briar Jaques on kaiwakatennis@yahoo.co.nz.

Thank you to Bridgette Sampson who will help me run a Touch module for nine weeks on a Sunday afternoon starting Sunday February 2. This will be a casual, friendly competition for mixed teams of men, women and teenagers. Touch is easy to learn and just about anyone can play. There will be a Touch Rally Day at the Sports Complex on Sunday December 8, from 12.30pm. As well as registering your team for the module, there'll be lots of other activities to do – squash, basketball, tennis, swimming, softball – so bring the whole family along!

Our Athletics Club is now taking registrations. All ages welcome. To register your interest please contact Eileen Parsons on 021 142 0357.

KSA Treasurer
Many thanks to Paula Jaques for her 10 years of dedicated service as the Sports Association treasurer. We welcome new treasurer Carolyn Dymock.

Top of the Rock
Our annual multi-sport challenge, the Top of the Rock, will be held on Sunday February 9 – mark it in your diary! This event is for the casual participant as well as the more serious competitor as there are a range of options: 5km or 10km walk or run, 10km run and 15km mountain bike ride, 30km mountain bike route.

New this year we are offering two 'earlybird' prize draws for participants who enter before January 9 – a pack of bike accessories for the cycling entrants and a voucher for an overnight stay for two adults at the Copthorne Bay of Islands Resort for the run/walk entrants. Entry forms and all details can be found on our website www.kaiwakasports.co.nz.

Cheryl Anderson, Kaiwaka Sports Assoc. manager, 431 2051, kaiwakasports@gmail.com

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