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Oct 16th 2017 Issue

Charity golf raises $75,000 for local community

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Ed Said - Like a game of ‘last man standing’


Pink October highlights cause

Volunteers kitted out with pink buckets took to the streets last weekend, positioned at over 1000 collection points throughout the country, to gather funds for a cause close to the hearts of many New Zealanders.

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Activity Day to showcase MAZ facilities

Mangawhai’s favourite fun and leisure park will be on show come late October, at an event which aims to publicise an expansive range of facilities.

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NRC warnings for spring burning season

Northlanders are being asked to be courteous and follow the rules – or risk fines and other penalties – as they start thinking about burning unwanted vegetation and other waste material over spring.


Gardening with Gael - Leafy native fills in the blanks

Hangehange or Geniostoma ligustrifolium is known as a ‘forest diversity plant’, which means it grows beneath an existing canopy or where pioneer species are established.

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Rodney College students are Outward Bound

Last week saw the awarding of the joint $10,000 Outward Bound Scholarship – supported by Mangawhai Club and Mangawhai Focus – to two young people in the local community. 

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Charcoal art gets high praise

A well-attended art workshop has received rave reviews from the creative individuals who signed up for the recently held event.

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Business as usual says council after surprise resignation

With the sudden resignation on October 9 by Kaipara District Mayor Greg Gent, following hot on the heels of the departing CEO Graham Sibery in late August, speculation has been rife regarding ‘what is in the water’ at the local council.

Printmakers exhibition makes an impression

Five local print makers will be showcasing artistic printmaking with examples of their prints and demonstrations of printmaking techniques.


‘Good Sorts’ at the right place, at the right time

On a fairly normal shopping day, Rawi Brewster from Jack Boyd Drive headed off on a recent Tuesday to Whangarei – where all the bargains are – in a Mercedes she had only owned for three weeks.


Letters to the Editor

Sewage alarm bells The Council is asking for feedback to their Draft Mangawhai Community Plan. Definitely a town plan has been overdue for many years. 
War on poverty War on poverty It is about time Government looked at its core values. Instead of a “war on people” via the criminalisation of cannabis, it should be looking at a more beneficial and appropriate ‘war on poverty’. 

Freemasons look to growing community support

While Lions and Jaycees are seen as community benefactors and fundraisers, Freemasons have had, to the man in the street, an air of mystique about them. A ‘secret society’ if you will.


Price tag on ditched trash

Deliberately dumped rubbish left to fester in the beauty of Kaipara’s countryside not only causes harm to the natural environment and is offensive to the eyes, but also comes at a price to residents. 

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Is toastmasters for you?

Would you like to improve your speaking and leadership skills and confidence? Then Toastmasters could be for you!


Organisers expect bigger, better Waipu Labour Weekend Market

Following the successful expansion and day change from Saturday to Sunday for the Queen’s Birthday Market, the Waipu Business and Community Society has further expanded the Labour Weekend Sunday Market.


ACC trying to break the cycle

Don’t be alarmed if you spot some high-vis motorcycle helmets in unusual places this month. It is all part of ACC’s Motorcycle Awareness Month.


Worzels world - Babylon All Over Again

The story of the ancient city of Babylon is about a bunch of people who got so carried away with a construction boom that they forgot about God and thought themselves far too clever by half. God was unimpressed and showed them who was boss by addling their speech so they couldn’t communicate properly anymore


School answers kiwi call

Students at Belmont Intermediate School, on Auckland’s North Shore, are using skills learned on their Year 7 Hard Technology programme to make rat bait stations for Brynderwyns-based Marunui Conservation.

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Training and development key to beauty clinic success

Paparoa’s Skin Image Clinic recently shared the red carpet with the best beauty names in the country, placing third in the ‘Best New Clinic’ category.

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Antique fair fundraiser may become annual event

A recent exhibition of artifacts and relics from bygone eras and cultures has made a major contribution in funding local history.

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Janelle putting up a fight

A handful of locals willingly said goodbye to their tresses and curls recently to help raise funds for a Mangawhai woman, known for her generous and kindhearted nature, who has recently been dealt a devastating cancer diagnosis.

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The skin you are in

It’s that time of year, and if you’re feeling like me I’m cringing at the thought of exposing it to the light of day, let alone considering squeezing into a swimsuit.

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Talented local artists at Whangarei exhibition

Whangarei Quarry Gardens in the heart of the Western Hills in Whangarei, sees the return of Sculpture Northland from November 3-12. 

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Junior surf club registration coming up

Mangawhai Heads Volunteer Surf Lifesaving Club is getting ready for another great season. The Junior Surf Lifesaving Program at Mangawhai Heads is designed to promote ocean sports and provide children from age 4 through 14 with the age appropriate skill sets to be safe and have fun around the beach and surf.

Successful season

Mangawhai Football Club are the inaugural winners of the Travis Flanagan Memorial Trophy, beating Bream Bay United in two out of three contests to win the award and also take the Brynderwyn Cup for accumulated points through the season.


Alien Weaponry aimed at Europe

Waipu thrash metal band Alien Weaponry is on target to achieve a goal set when its members were just 12 and 14 years old – playing major European festivals before they are out of their teens. 

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Singers celebrate top performances

Otamatea Repertory Theater singing and drama coaches, Peter and Maura Flower, had 21 students (and a choir of 20) performing at a Northland Performing Arts Competitions Inc . 

Molly Curnow & Sam Birchall 1

Teeing off for a good cause

‘Birdies’, ‘eagles’ and quite likely a whole lot of ‘bogeys’ were scored at a golf fundraiser held recently at Mangawhai’s Golf Club on September 17. 

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The sun will shine, the flowers will bloom.


This winter and spring has been the bane of many gardeners, especially those preparing their properties for the Annual Palmers Planet Mangawhai Garden Ramble which supports our local Kindergarten and Plunket. However the hardiness of plants and gardeners will see both ready and radiant in time for this year’s event which will be held on 11 and 12 November throughout Mangawhai urban and rural areas.

Online debate prompts St John evening

In response to recent social media discussion regarding the distribution of funds from Mangawhai’s St John opportunity shop, Station Manager for St John Mangawhai, Andrew Mumford has arranged a community Open Evening on October 24.

Mumford says the online talk raised some important questions which he was keen to address.


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