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Garden Ramble - Gardeners not full time but still permanant


smith garden(copy)It’s difficult to ascertain when one becomes a bona fide Mangawhai-ian but having recently celebrated 10 years of owning their property in Gumdiggers Lane, Liz and Murray Smith now probably qualify, even though they are still not quite permanent. But then, they say there’s nothing more permanent than a temporary arrangement.

Ten years ago Liz and Murray bought a ‘project’ – one-and-a-half acres of basically flat section but running down to wetlands or what originally qualified as a bog, subject to flooding yet can become very dry and, of course, salty which doesn’t meet the taste of some plants no matter how much they are nurtured. Ducks and Pukeko reigned supreme (and still do) and along with a she-oak and a poplar tree that was about it. The higher ground was much more forgiving and probably benefitted, fertility-wise, from the grazing of cattle.

With time the wetlands have been moulded into mini lakes and walkways. Poplar and willow abound and though still affected by high tides and heavy rains the salty soil tends to keep some plants in check including a nasturtium which grows bushy rather than furiously spreading.

Piles of soil from house excavations have been utilised with the aid of post peelings and driftwood to form their own flowery islands and make this acre-and-a-half a very pleasant meander with an easy-flowing ambience – plenty to point at and talk about though still giving Murray good exercise with quite an expanse of lawn.

The thing about part-time gardeners (and aren’t we all to a degree?) is they collect cuttings. They nick bits and scrounge but then they have to plant them otherwise they will die before they get a chance at life. This means a mixture that, to experts, shouldn’t necessarily go together but gives this garden a full body and somewhere there’s always a splash of colour which is a delight to the eye. Add some driftwood, a garden seat, some garden art and presto! – a winner.

This is a great garden for a stroll. Sue Hamilton-Wallace who lives in the adjoining annexe on the property has her own area to add. Sue is of the ‘cottage garden’ variety and though she apologised for the state of her poppies, once the wind dies down they will rise again in all their glory.

Another new entrant in the Palmers Planet Mangawhai Garden Ramble.



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