Holst makes NZSS junior squash teamIt was a dream come true earlier this year when Annmarie Holst was nominated then selected as third seed for the New Zealand secondary school junior squash team.
The Otamatea High School student travelled to Sydney in August to compete in the Trans Tasman Exchange at the Thornleigh Squash Club. Singles and doubles games against Queensland and New South Wales made up the competition for the first three days. After the naming of the Australian team, test matches were scheduled for day four. In the doubles, the NZ team dropped only two games to win 8-2, then romped away to win 19-1 in the singles – a combined test match win of 27-3. The girls went through the tournament undefeated. EASY WIN: Annmarie Holst (left) is pictured with her New Zealand team-mates Amelia, Rhiarne, Annaliese and Winona-Jo. |