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Council Adopts Annual Report


Improved finances and the steps being taken to transform the Kaipara District Council so that it becomes a high performing organisation are features of the 2012/2013 Annual Report released today.

he detailed Report, the first since Commissioners were appointed last September, compares performance against the Long Term Plan prepared by the previous Council.

It was approved by the Commissioners at the Council meeting on Monday 30 September. “The Report indicates that significant progress has already been made in addressing the issues of the past and preparing the organisation for a bright future”, says Commission Chairman John Robertson.

A top priority for the Commissioners during the year has been to stabilise the Council’s financial position. The Report shows that this has been achieved with the external debt being reduced to $77.5 million, an improvement of $1.5 million over the position at 30 June 2012. The net operating result for the year was a surplus of $1.0 million - a massive improvement on the $10.6 million deficit in the 2011/2012 year.

“The fact that we have been able to balance the books and reduce debt in the face of a concerted campaign by some to withhold rates and have us incur legal costs speaks volumes” said Mr Robertson.

The Annual Report notes that at the end of the financial year, overdue rates relating to 2012/2013 totalled $3.8 million, or 12.5 per cent of rate revenue. The resulting gap in cash flows was accommodated by deferring expenditure which Council intends to reinstate when outstanding rates are collected.

In consultation with the community the Commissioners amended the Long Term Plan 2012/2022. The Long Term Plan now lowers debt to $50.0 million by 2022 bringing the ratio of debt to total revenues down from 190 per cent at 30 June 2013 to 94 per cent by 30 June 2022 – a level readily sustainable by a council of Kaipara’s size.

The Report details the results of a Service Delivery and Capability Review which produced changes to the way the Council delivers its services. Also a review of activities has taken place along with moves to increase Council control of these by bringing some operations in-house.

“There is still much work to be done,” Mr Robertson says. “The Commissioners are appreciative of the support of the residents of Kaipara. This support is important as we resolve the issues of the past and look forward to the challenges and opportunities of the future.”

The Annual Report will be available on Council’s website www.kaipara.govt.nz by the end of the week.

Media: For more information please contact Barbara Ware on 09 439 3123.

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