Rare artifacts stolen from MuseumThieves have made off with nine rare and historic items from the Waipu Museum leaving staff and the local community very upset.
The pieces are particularly distinctive and would not be easy to pass on without arousing suspicion. In all nine items were stolen sometime within the last two weeks. Items at the museum are checked fortnightly and with no evidence of forced entry to the display cases it is difficult to pinpoint an accurate time of the robbery said museum manager Patsy Montgomery. The stolen items include included two rare silver brooches over 200 years old, three gold fob watches, a silver vesta matchbox, a silver spectacle case, bronze coin and an engraved Masonic Jewel. The engraved Masonic Jewel was particularly distinctive. "Anybody who sees that will know it's been stolen," she said admitting that staff were devastated and afraid they will never see them again. Ms Montgomery had contacted companies holding collectible buying tours in Northland and provided them with photographs of the stolen items. The theft is devastating to the community and the 70 volunteers that work at the museum as all items are linked to the migration story and the families involved who are still very much a part of the local community are fiercely proud of their Scottish heritage. The museum, which has previously not had CCTV cameras, has now stepped up its security. ■ Any information on the thefts should be directed to Whangarei police on 430 4500 or Crimestoppers anonymous line 0800 555 111.