Planting partners combine for clean upMud and a bit of rain were the ideal conditions for a mass planting at Paparoa when Progressive Paparoa community volunteers partnered with Kaipara District Council to clean up the riverbank in the small township.
“It is a challenging site with its steep slope and river erosion issues but in time it will make a nice green belt from the Landing to the Village Green,” KDC Parks Officer Adrian Birkbeck says. “Not only that, we cleaned out a huge amount of rubbish that people had dumped there, making it an eyesore rather than the attractive environment it should be.” With Jacqueline Knight contributing a landscaping design at no charge, and Fulton Hogan staff adding their muscle power to the effort between controlling traffic, it was an example of how combining forces can made a difference. “While it might not seem much, we need to create better habitats for our wildlife and maintain our green corridors. Every time we carry out a project like this, our communities benefit well beyond the immediate aesthetic effect.” Graham Taylor of Progressive Paparoa says: “We are pleased to finally have this work done, it is NZTA land that the Council and the community have cleaned up and it’s a credit to all involved.” |