
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you Know..........

Garage sale bargains
You'll find plenty of bargains to tempt you at the museum's big fundraising garage sale this Saturday, September 28. Head along to the new museum on Molesworth Drive ready for the 9am opening and be prepared to spend up big until 1pm!

Work is underway with the construction of fixed interior areas in the museum, such as the wharf and shed, with volunteers putting in lots of hours to recreate aspects of our past. A boost to funds would allow the work to progress more rapidly. If you have goods you would like to donate for this garage sale, please phone Christine 431 2057.

Singers will enchant
Make sure you don't miss this year's Spring Song Festival at Mangawhai museum on October 11-12. Mangawhai Singers have put together a programme of songs to enchant you. Last year, both nights sold out, so you will need to secure your tickets early – on sale at Mangawhai Books and Gifts in Wood St, and the Village GAS, for $20. Wine and cheese will be served during the interval, with all proceeds going to the museum. This truly is an evening not to be missed.

Park funds a challenge
Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ) volunteers have also been very busy starting to assemble the colourful play equipment they secured earlier in the year. There is more work to be done before it is ready, so orange netting is being used to deter people from damaging work to date.

Spokesperson Simon Bennett says the enthusiasm and local support for MAZ is great, but sourcing funding to progress park plans is proving to be a real challenge.

"We've been applying for grants from numerous sources, but it is proving difficult as there is less money available."

Earlier in the year, MAZ collected public donations to purchase hardwood sleepers to define the paths. Simon reports that these have now been placed but the next challenge is to fund concreting the paths to make them more usuable for pushchairs etc.

"Our aim is to have these complete for the summer season," he says.

Mangawhai Park is a great activity area for families in particular with the skateboard bowls, concrete court, areas for scooters and skaters, swings, roundabouts, BMX trails and walking  tracks. Plenty of parking, and lots of shade under the big palms.

Theives strip garden shed
Sadly, thieves have made work a lot more difficult for volunteers at the community gardens by breaking into the shed and stealing tools, seeds, fertilisers, hoses and other much needed equipment that has been accummulated over the years.

Food produced from these gardens goes not only to those who work them, but is distributed via Northlink Health to those in our community who are struggling. We need to rally around to keep these gardens producing, so please, if you have any tools, compost, seeds, fertiliser, stakes – even a hammer – that you are willing to donate, please take them down to the gardens at the Domain (behind Rose Madsen Cottage) on Friday morning, or simply phone Joan/Ted 431 5924.

Bird report from Sioux

The first NZ dotterel nests are being found on the Mangawhai Sandspit where there is also a small caspian colony that has eggs. There are reports of the first shining cuckoos being heard around the area. Also a report of kaka in the Wellsford area, and yet another unusual Australian vagrant has been enjoying life in Wayby Valley Rd – a white necked heron, a very good looking bird! The Arctic waders should be starting to arrive back from their breeding season once again.

Zonta scholarship still open
A reminder that applications to the Zonta Club of Mangawhai Youth Development scholarship close on Friday October 4. Open to young women 15-18 years, this is a wonderful opportunity to benefit from a 10 day voyage on the Spirit of Adventure. Details and application forms available by emailing mangawhai@zonta.org.nz or phone Sue 027 555 6636



■ Helen Southee was the lucky winner of a $100 voucher from Mangawhai Pottery, offered as an opening promotion with every purchase over $20 qualifying to go into the draw.

■ Village GAS now offers diesel deliveries to your home or property for home heating, farming needs or whatever. Call in and arrange delivery to suit or phone them on 431 4242

■ A big thank you from Mangawhai St John for the $1000 donation from Westmoreland Homes, and to all those who voted St John their charity of choice.

■ An apology to Mangawhai artist Lorna Keen for inadvertently leaving her off the list of prize winners at the Kaipara Art Awards. Lorna took second prize in the painting and drawing section with 'Face of Labour'.

■ Lochiel Wines 2012 chardonnay has won a gold medal at the International Wine Show in Auckland. How good is that? And you can purchase this winner at the Saturday morning market at no extra cost! Well done Lochiel and wine maker Rob.

■ Kylie Anderson's new business, Mangawhai Flower Co., is offering fresh flowers for sale at the Saturday market. Very well presented, and designed to lift your spirit!

■ Stuck in Auckland traffic where the conversation turned to personalised plates. Try this one: HIHOAG. First to ring or email the deciphered code receives a prize! (My family and friends not eligible to enter!)

■ Did you know the Info Centre has a hotspot for WiFi? 15 minutes free per day – a great service for visitors.

■ This Thursday, SeniorNet presentation from Noel Leeming on smartphones, iPhones, iPads, tablets… all you need to know from the experts, 2pm at The Club, $5 entry, no need to register.

■ Summer Beach and Country Markets at the Domain start up again on the Sunday of Labour Weekend. Contact Sue 0274 586 144

■ School holiday 'Story Time' for 5-9 year-olds at the new Anglican Church on Tuesday October 1 & 8 from 10-11am. Free!

■ And on October 6, at 9.30am, there will be an Animal Blessing Service for animals big and small. The church will open the side doors for the larger animals to stand to prevent poos on the new carpet!

■ News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email  jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz


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