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Ed Said - Leadership distraction for MRRA


dadRumours of disunity among the ranks of the Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association came home to roost recently when a coup was implemented to oust chairman Bruce Rogan. 

Our sources cited communication difficulties among the executive in taking individual actions without the sanction of the executive body. 

However this action produced an unexpected reaction as Mr Rogan responded that his dismissal was unconstitutional as the financial membership of some committee members was brought into question rendering the action null and void. Under normal conditions the chairman can only be replaced at an AGM. 

A source close to the MRRA tells The Focus that possibly three members of the executive are not, or have not been, paid up members of the association.

Mr Rogan has confirmed he learned of this fairly recently. This surely begs the following questions: 

a) How can they accept a seat on the executive? 

b) How are they then able to vote in all conscience? 

c) What does this do for the credibility of the association? 

In breach of their own constitution and unable to form the necessary quorum, does this now render the court action illegal or null and void? 

According to the constitution, un-paid-up members do not have voting rights – one wonders just how this situation came to be at all. 

There will, at some point, be a general meeting to settle matters and right the ship but in the meantime Mr Rogan remains chairman and has told The Focus a survey of members resulted in 260 in favour of retaining him as chair, with just six against. 

While the committee appoints the chair, they don’t have the power to un-appoint him. 

Few, however, would disagree that Mr Rogan’s work on behalf of the MRRA has been, overall, invaluable. 

Commissioners chairman John Robertson says: “Some of the difficulty in dealing with the MRRA was that different committee members had different agendas. It is difficult to reach any kind of settlement if you’re not dealing with a unified body.” 

There appears to be no immediate hurry to proceed with further court action although only the MRRA can withdraw the High Court challenge. 

The commissioners feel therefore that, as this has not yet happened, the Court should be used to facilitate a possible settlement. 

Both parties have expressed a preference to resolve issues out of court. 

Cheers, Rob

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