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Letters to the Editor

Speaking out of turn?
It is helpful that Kaipara Commissioner Mr Roberston is able to communicate with citizens regularly through this paper. However, of late we have had a series of one-sided viewpoints on the court proceedings to which the Council is a party. Since this matter is ‘sub judice’ I am wondering how far Mr Roberston will be able to pursue these matters before he is guilty of contempt of court.

Bob Newman

More Facts and Figures
I refer to Commissioner Robertson’s answers to questions (Mangawhai Focus, Sept 9) and reply as follows:

(a) It has never been the position of the Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association to bankrupt the KDC.

(b) The KDC is insolvent due to the illegal activities of the KDC.

(c) The $89 million of bank debt is illegal as no community consultation occurred prior to 2006 when the Statement of Proposal was established.

(d) The KDC purchased the Mangawhai Wastewater Scheme for $62 million when the scheme was supposed to have 3300 connections and only 1180 connections have been made, hence we have purchased an incomplete scheme.

(e) The additional debt is capitalised interest when the council cannot pay the interest charges. 

(f) In the 2012 year the KDC paid only 10 percent of the interest bill of $6.3 million.

(g) The KDC has spent the following legal expenses since Cr Robertson took over: 1. $36,000 October 2012 for a legal opinion as to the validity of the 2012/13 rates which are invalid; 2. $85,000 July 2013 to engage D. Goddard as lawyer to strike out the MRRA’s request for a High Court Judicial Review of the illegal activities of the KDC; and 3. $150,000 early 2013 to draft the Retrospective Validation Bill before parliament now.

The Chairman of Commissioners continues his spin, which our community knows now misrepresents the facts.

The MRRA Executive Committee is a dedicated group of professionals who are volunteers acting for our community to gain justice and integrity for all.

I ask you to read Prof Worzel’s article (Mangawhai Focus, Sept 9) as he has got it correct.

G J Mackenzie

Short and sharp
Commissioner Robertson maintains the KDC is not bankrupt, and I wish that it were not. However facts speak louder than words.

Tineke Hosking

Not being respectful
A reply to John Robertson’s latest column: KDC’s lawyer has tried to sabotage the court case by attempting to have the MRRA struck off but luckily the judge would not have it.

Why is John bringing up issues related to the case while we are in court? Whenever there is a dispute it is expected that both parties withhold comments; that’s just being respectful. Instead John is pleading with the readers knowing full well that the best way to stop this court action would be to talk to his superiors and make a reasonable offer.

That’s the way forward to save costs, not writing half-truths and lament.

Martina Tschirky

Banks to blame
The banks that loaned the Kaipara District Council money to fund the sewerage system should be asked to forego the interest on the loans as a key part of any settlement or deal to drop the court case.

It may easily be shown that that the banks were far short of conducting due examination and diligence in granting huge loans to a tiny council which was near bankruptcy at the time.

As many know, banks have very stringent standards when checking out personal loans for mortgages, hire purchase for cars etc – they just about want to know it you have a loan on an electric kettle. There are clearly double standards when loaning money to local bodies who they tend to regard as fair game for exploitation on the basis that the ratepayer will always pay and the government can be guaranteed to support their case and loaning to the public at large.

A small but important correction to Commissioner John Robertson's piece: The KDC bankrupted itself before the three Commissioners took over and was not financially crippled by the Mangawhai Residents and Ratepayers Association. The MRRA has been trying to have the Council declared bankrupt so that the banks would have to absorb their own losses to some extent.

The MRRA is not the rogue in this issue but the whistle-blower. The rate strike is to put pressure on those that irresponsibly loaned the money to the Council as well as to obtain some form of rates relief. The latter would be possible if the banks were made to concede their interest on the loans. The concessions made by the banks on interest rates are not enough.

It is possible there may be some Commerce Act issues regarding unfair trading that could deserve greater examination regarding this case. Ratepayers throughout New Zealand need protection from banks that irresponsibly loan money to insolvent or near-bankrupt local bodies.

Roy Vaughan

Time for new broom
A clean sweep is needed within the Northland Regional Council. Now is the time to say goodbye to members of the ‘old boys’ network and let a breath of fresh air into the council chambers. 

Yet we have to be careful not to jump from the frying pan into the fire if we elect councillors with no knowledge of local government, relevant legislation and the environment. Ignorance is just as dangerous as vested interests.

One thing is certain – we need councillors who will concentrate on the efficient delivery of core services and put a stop to the syphoning off of public money into private hands under the pretext of economic benefit. Economic benefit for whom? Certainly not for the people of Northland.

However, no one can complain about the final election result if they do not make the effort to vote. 

M B Hicks

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