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Gardening with Gael - A miniture rose by any other name

parade roses 001 (s)During the last three weeks I feel I have slowly been developing planting withdrawal. Although I feel as if I have not left the workshop at the Block, somehow the little pile of plants on the edge of the drive waiting to be planted has mysteriously increased in size.

It is amazing how a quick trip in and out of Mitre 10 with Box saying ‘I’ll just be two minutes picking up some things’ (tools, building materials,  batteries etc) I manage to slip another couple of parade roses into the boot.

Then the announcement from Box that Harrie was coming to do some work on the drive at the cottages.

“We’ll just bring it into here,” said Box, “so all this can go.”

“All this,” I answered, “is my nursery. It may appear to be a pile of weeds but nestled among them are hydrangea cuttings, young roses, zantedeschias, pentstemon cuttings and daylilies.”

“You’ve got till Wednesday,” said Box.

So now alongside the roses are 20 bare-rooted daylilies, half a dozen penstemons, three roses, three hydrangeas and several boxes of emerging zantedeschias. Thank goodness they are all poised on gravel.

The reason for the planting delay is that Box has decided he would like the exposed rafters in the cottage at the Block painted with folk art. He saw the idea years ago in Norway. Unfortunately we don’t have the long dark winter hours enjoyed by the Norwegians which results in such things, instead I am up at the Block every day, rafters prepainted by Box and being decorated by me. Naturally the garden and bush is my inspiration. Nikaus, grapes and flowers form the basis of the designs. The centre rafters I am decorating with the grandkids paintings. The pile of cards and paintings I have kept over the years has come in handy to copy.

Meanwhile my gardening friend Marg spotted the roses and suggested maybe she rescue them and plant them for me. Parade roses are also known as miniature roses. I have had one in the garden for years. They are very hardy and only require a half day sun. Their blooms are small but seem to repeat all season. There is a large range of colours. Most only grow about 60–70 cm. They have the same planting and care requirements as larger roses. The ones I have I have found to be very easy care – I have done very little other than throw them a bit of food and give them a good prune. A beautiful burnt orange one I have had for about 12 years. They also make great pot plants.

Thanks to Marg mine are now a small border around the edge of a flower garden at the Block. They will be enjoyed from the new deck. The Parva plant catalogue arrived this week and I see they have some new varieties. I think it is time Pat Austin was taken out of the pot on my deck, planted in the garden and replaced with some lovely floriferous miniatures.

ON PARADE: My friend Marg has saved my miniature roses, using them as a garden border.

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