Letters to the Editor - Fourth Estate Failure?Fourth Estate failure? On Monday, August 26, I hitchhiked from Mangawhai to Maungaturoto to speak to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee against the proposed Kaipara District Council Validation Rates (and other matters) Bill. The proceedings continued throughout the day with many people coming from Mangawhai and other parts of the Kaipara District to voice their opinions (some for, but overwhelmingly against) to the eight major political party MPs who'd come up from Wellington for the day. This retrospective legislation being proposed by this 'government' and their 'commissioners' is an absolute anathema to our democracy and if it passes, will set a precedent that will exonerate corrupt and incompetent government and destroy communities by saddling them with unbearable and unjustifiable debts. With New Zealand's democratic institutions being under attack on so many fronts, the Fourth Estate must be called upon to fulfill their critical role in 'keeping the bastards honest'. There was no media presence at the hearings in Maungaturoto – no TV, no radio, no newspaper. No coverage. How can your readers form opinions on important issues like this if they are not being kept informed by their media organisations? Alan Preston Mangawhai Now you see it… Good to see Commissioner Robertson, our pet National government lackey, remaining true to form and preparing another shafting for the Mangawhai community. A bit of sleight of hand around the good old Mangawhai Endowment Fund; now you see it, now you don't. Seems they appropriated what was not theirs, spent it, but never borrowed it, couldn't have because its not considered a debt! Seems it's a "Restrictive Reserve", a sort of cunning no man's land known only to rip-off artists. This category has the advantage of a very very low interest rate and the potential for the whole $4.7 million to evaporate into thin air. How will we ever be able to erect a stature to Commissioner Robertson if the costs cannot be covered by the "Restrictive Reserve"? Gordon Hosking Mangawhai |