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Worzels World - Your questions answered


Much time has passed since our Council was disbanded and became a Commission. The urgent situation described by Greg Gent and his review team continues with little changed.

The undemocratically appointed commissioners have rearranged the deck chairs and assured, cajoled and pressured passengers into paying extra for passage on a foundering ship subject to iceberg-sized debt. The former captain, a pirate, sailed off early in a $240,000 lifeboat.
Chief commissioner John Robertson’s profligate spin and collection of half-truths appears in this paper and is an uncomfortable juxtaposition for me. My editor has yet to answer my question as to whether Mr Robinson pays for this privilege.

Many locals, though, struggle to understand him. Who can blame them when most folk use language to inform or entertain rather than to hide the truth. I have accordingly altered the usual format of my column in order to address some questions from confused readers.
What do the commissioners mean by ‘historical issues’?
These refer to illegal and/or unethical acts of Council that have resulted in the ripping-off of ratepayers.

What is meant when Mr Robertson says the local bill will fix things’?
This means the bill for which $100,000 of our money was paid to their lawyers to draft, if passed, will legislatively sweep ‘historical issues’ (see above) under the carpet so the ripping off of ratepayers can continue legally rather than illegally as was and is currently the case.

The ‘Local Bill’ references irregularities. What was irregular?
This is legal jargon used to describe the historical issues (see above). These illegalities were not irregular but were perpetrated regularly over an extended period. They are described as irregularities for the benefit of parliament to make them sound less like the crimes they are.

What is the difference between the KDC and gangs such as the Mongrel Mob and Hell’s Angels?
Not much. Like other organised criminal gangs they operate outside the law. However employees of the KDC dress tidier and get paid more. Other gangs provide a better service for less money and don’t send out invoices or threatening letters.

Are those who are paying current invoices satisfied with the services Mr Robinson insists have been provided?
No. Most are aware of the huge rip-off that has occurred over the last 15 years and which looks like continuing under the current dictatorship. Some pay out of habit, some from a misplaced sense of duty, others because they feel cowed by threats issued from the Dargaville commission.

Does Commissioner Robertson reside in or pay rates in this area?
No. Unlike absentee property owners in the area he has no vested interest in the district. The provisions of the Electoral Act would render him ineligible to stand for election to public office in Kaipara. Contributing no resources to the community he removes $1400 per day and takes it home to Papakura which is a little further south than where much of our past rates money has gone.

The KDC employs 73 staff. What essential services do they provide?
Looking at the list of essential services compiled by the commissioners, bugger all. Most services listed are contracted out. The roads, for instance, are maintained by Transfield who currently provide that service with a staff of 17. The servicing of debt is apparently not essential as it is not listed. It is though one of the most expensive services provided.

Why has no claim been made on either the Council's or the Auditor Generals public liability insurance and used to repay the illegal and unethically raised loans?
Because the commissioners were appointed by a minority coalition Government who do not want to embarrass themselves before the nations voters or the multinational institutions that support them. They have judged it expedient to subjugate ratepayers in a ’safe’ National seat rather than do what is right and accept some responsibility for their lack of oversight. Rather than the buck stopping at the top with the guilty they are conspiring to pass the buck down to the innocent.

Do people really ask John Robertson the silly questions highlighted in his column?
No not really. He makes them up just like I have made these ones up. The difference being that he has less talent, takes himself more seriously and gets paid $1400 per day for doing it.


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