Reducing waste on big gala dayPROMOTION 19 Dec, 2022
Sustainable Kaipara will be working with the Mangawhai Gala Day in 2023, helping to reduce waste to landfill. It's a fantastic event that draws a great holiday crowd - so we are keen to make it even more successful. Every year, a huge amount of waste is sent to the dump after an event such as the gala. The disposal of this trash comes at a cost – both to our environment, and to the funds raised for the Domain Society – so we are keen to rethink how we hold this (and other) events, including how much waste we generate in the first place. Here's how we are doing things differently: 1. Bring reusable containers. This year we are encouraging people to bring their own cups, plates and cutlery to receive their food in. This avoids having to throw away the packaging. Don't be fooled, even compostable packaging costs – both in resources to produce the packaging, and to process (compost it) after use. The best thing we can do is come prepared with our own containers from home. 2. Take your waste home. If you can manage it, take your waste home with you so that the burden of cost is not left to the gala day organisers. Hint: If you've done as above and brought your own containers, you might just find your waste is minimal anyway. 3. Use the right bins. Even if you do end up using the bins, use the correct ones. We will be there with our bins this year, including for glass, cans and plastics recycling and food scraps. We will have volunteers present to help guide you in separating the waste. This ensures as much waste as possible is diverted from landfill. n Can you help us by volunteering on the day? We are asking volunteers to do a two hour shift, with training provided if needed. Please email Let's all get on board to help make the gala a success in 2023. See you there!