
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
Nadia n.lewis@xtra.co.nz 021677978
Reporting: Julia news@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 0274641673
 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Xmas Issue '13


Schools out for teacher

Ann Parnell 1(li)

Community says yes to name change


Ed Said- Where did it go?


Important vision for future of historic house

A Gentlemans sport(li)

Museum looking for relics

Niagara in port-001(li)

Did you know......

Council input into Northland Inc board

Generosity builds pathway

snake pathway(li)

Your Questions Answered - No one wins from a split community


Rhubarb an old-fashioned favourite


Event founder ready to take a different path

Jean Goldschmidt(li)

Worzels World

Shades Direct - experts in covered outdoor living

Last chance for hunters and collectors

​This will be the last summer for hunting out those retro collectibles at Beach, Bach & Beyond (now officially signposted) in Sailrock Drive at the Heads.


kaiapoi mural(li)

Court gives right to remove mangroves

Charity funds for cubs and scouts

kaiwaka cubs and scouts(li)

News In Brief

Keep dogs leashed - Some families report a disturbing trend
Don't forget your car seat says Plunket - Plunket can help with short term hire
Rubbish bins for campers only - Every person and household is responsible for their own leftovers.
NRC offices close for Christmas, New Year - All NRC offices will be closed for the Christmas - New Year holiday break.

The little business that could

The opportunity to start their own business from scratch − and to experience the quintessential New Zealand beach lifestyle − led this professional Kiwi couple from London to Mangawhai.

Strong pic(li)

Another year of high achievement for Cadets

Cadets Pahia trip(li)

Pest control and volunteers vital for fairy tern breeding season


Excitement doubles with second kiwi chick

Friday December 13 was a lucky day at Marunui. A few days previously the Mangawhai Focus reported the arrival of the first kiwi chick at Marunui Conservation in the Brynderwyns and the uncertainty as to whether the second egg would hatch.

Letters to the Editor

Fact and fiction regarding recent KDC story - The government-appointed KDC commissioner John Robertson puts out his PR spin.
No closure or clarity - Commissioner Robertson claims that “the story of the rating errors has been told” 
Invalidate the Validation Bill - With the passing of the Kaipara District Council Validation of Rates (and other matters) Bill, New Zealand has entered into uncharted political waters 
Question AnsweredI was the rate payer that asked the question although Mr Robertson has twisted it and misinformed you all.

Ruakaka Races: Where the turf meets the surf

Unwind from Christmas and New Year at the iconic Interislander Summer Festival Ruakaka Races, January 3, 2014, where you will enjoy thrilling thoroughbred racing action along with live music and free children’s entertainment.

Dance officianado bows out


Bowls Briefs

Influx of new bowlers - Mangawhai bowlers can look back on a fantastic year
Visitors welcome -  Fantastic facilities available at The Club in Mangawhai
Bowlers & Non-bowlers tournament - Non-bowlers are invited to put in a team and play a game of bowls.

Mangawhai Bowls Resuts

Otamatea gymnastics prizegiving popular

gymnastics girls(li)

Record field for Women's SeniorHandicap Foursomes

eastmond (li)

How much is that doggy....?

Junior golfers get own room

golf juniors (1)(li)

Trio ready to defend title

Mwi Tri photo(li)

KSA Sports Brief


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