
Melody sales@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021454814
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 Accounts: Richard info@mangawhaifocus.co.nz 021678358



Did you Know..........


A white Christmas
Snow, ice, rain and slush, with Christmas decorations illuminating the houses and streets after dark, which has settled in by 5pm – that’s Christmas in the northern hemisphere where I am as you read this column. As I sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer to my little granddaughter it all seems to make sense… and hard to think of the heat and humidity back home.

Gala is main event
Mangawhai is certainly one of the popular spots over the summer solstice, with a diverse selection of activities planned to please. January 2 is, as always, the big annual Summer Gala at the Domain. One hundred-plus volunteers plan throughout the year for this popular event, with all stallholder sites booked out, many favourite activities returning, and a few changes to keep up with visitor requests.

The Domain Society wish to remind you that this day represents the majority of funds raised for operational and minor capital improvements to your Domain. Yes, ‘yours’ as it is fully owned by the people of Mangawhai and administered by the volunteer Domain Society. The funds raised on the day come from entrance fees, stallholder/rides fees, and the Domain committee's cafe, barbecue and raffles. Entrance and stallholder fees have been kept the same for the past two years.

Please be sensible with parking. For most groups, it costs no more to get into the grounds and park safely as it does to park elsewhere, and often less! There are 20 or more mostly well-experienced volunteers on traffic control and parking, so please help them to make all traffic manangement run smoothly, and be patient if there is a slight delay in parking. Every year there is fine-tuning of this aspect, based on the lessons learned from previous years and as capital and maintenance improvements are done. Thank you for your support. Enjoy!

■ New road signs on Molesworth Drive highlighting the shopping centre and services in Wood St.
■ New deck at Fresh in the village where you can sit outside under the umbrellas and enjoy your refreshments.
■ And the Christmas lights decorating an increasing number of houses in Mangawhai. Kagan Ave is definitely in the running to become the Franklin Road of Mangawhai!

Shuttle bus better option
With limited parking available at the Heads Beach it makes sense to leave the car at home and make use of Leabourns Shuttle. Fom December 27 through to January 11, it will operate daily leaving the school on the hour, starting at 10am, and the Heads Beach on the half hour, last trip at 4.30pm, with pick up and drop off points along the route. $2 per trip, children 5-14yrs $1, and under 5's free. Pick up and drop off at Riverside Park on Black Swamp Road by request. Full timetable at www.leabourn.co.nz or call Leabourn Passenger Service Ltd on 0274 668 1287.

News and views to share through this column? Contact Jo Roberts 431 4711, email jo.roberts@xtra.co.nz

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